My little update to my life. There are still all these damn small medical issues with the surgery I had last year but for the most part I am doing better. Still can't believe its almost been a year sense I had my transplant surgery.
Anyways, on another note. The Marine Corps finally started my PEB (Physical Evaluation Board) so hopefully I will be medically retired within the next 3-9 months. Really hope it doesn't take that long.
Went to the Carolina Rebellion concert and had a blast. It did suck that it was cold all weekend and that it was canceled half way through on Sunday do to the rain. But at least i got to see the bands I wanted to. Device, In This Moment, and All That Remains!! Damn near broke something during one of the moshpits. Still badass!
Been working my ass off in the gym trying to get bigger. Saw somebody i haven't seen in a while and he kept calling bullshit when i said i haven't started supplements yet and it was all from food.
These were from a few weeks ago. Still have a lot to go to get back to where i was before surgery but I will get back there and I will get into even better shape. Depending on how long it takes to fully recover and to be taken off all these nutrition restrictions, I plan on trying to enter my first bodybuilding competition within the next 2-3 years.
Hope you all are enjoying and making the most out of your lives!
Anyways, on another note. The Marine Corps finally started my PEB (Physical Evaluation Board) so hopefully I will be medically retired within the next 3-9 months. Really hope it doesn't take that long.
Went to the Carolina Rebellion concert and had a blast. It did suck that it was cold all weekend and that it was canceled half way through on Sunday do to the rain. But at least i got to see the bands I wanted to. Device, In This Moment, and All That Remains!! Damn near broke something during one of the moshpits. Still badass!
Been working my ass off in the gym trying to get bigger. Saw somebody i haven't seen in a while and he kept calling bullshit when i said i haven't started supplements yet and it was all from food.

These were from a few weeks ago. Still have a lot to go to get back to where i was before surgery but I will get back there and I will get into even better shape. Depending on how long it takes to fully recover and to be taken off all these nutrition restrictions, I plan on trying to enter my first bodybuilding competition within the next 2-3 years.
Hope you all are enjoying and making the most out of your lives!