Well, my little badgers, it has been quite some time.
Have you ever been to a party where you walked in and immediately felt unwelcome? That pretty much sums up the weekend. More's the pity, too, as I was quite looking forward to getting sloppy, sloppy drunk.
There was a bright side - some of my good friends made a traditional Scottish-style fry-up for breakfast the next day. Now, I understand that some of you do not partake in meat-eating. That's all well and good, but for those of us who are carnivores, this pretty much is a wet-dream of grease and unidentifiable bits all fried to a salty perfection. My arteries clog just thinking about it.
In any event, the lazy Sunday more than made up for the unfortunate Saturday evening. All in all it was a neutral time.
In other news, it occurs to me that I missed the Leeds meet'n'greet, and to be fair I have absolutely no excuse, as I do live here. That said, there was a friend's house party to attend that night, and if the whole exercise was to make friends, I seem to have managed alright on my own. That said, the offer still stands if anyone is ever in the area.
Finally, before I leave you all for what will probably be another month or so of complete silence, I want to make a shameless plug for my friends' band, Astomatous. They just finished mixing and mastering their demo, available for listening at the above site. It is, in a word, brutal. Give it a listen.
No seriously, fucking listen to it.
Have you ever been to a party where you walked in and immediately felt unwelcome? That pretty much sums up the weekend. More's the pity, too, as I was quite looking forward to getting sloppy, sloppy drunk.
There was a bright side - some of my good friends made a traditional Scottish-style fry-up for breakfast the next day. Now, I understand that some of you do not partake in meat-eating. That's all well and good, but for those of us who are carnivores, this pretty much is a wet-dream of grease and unidentifiable bits all fried to a salty perfection. My arteries clog just thinking about it.
In any event, the lazy Sunday more than made up for the unfortunate Saturday evening. All in all it was a neutral time.
In other news, it occurs to me that I missed the Leeds meet'n'greet, and to be fair I have absolutely no excuse, as I do live here. That said, there was a friend's house party to attend that night, and if the whole exercise was to make friends, I seem to have managed alright on my own. That said, the offer still stands if anyone is ever in the area.
Finally, before I leave you all for what will probably be another month or so of complete silence, I want to make a shameless plug for my friends' band, Astomatous. They just finished mixing and mastering their demo, available for listening at the above site. It is, in a word, brutal. Give it a listen.
No seriously, fucking listen to it.

Badgers are kind of scary to me, quite big and big teeth and jaws, em yeah I think I have seen the glorious light you talked about!! I sound drunk, Im not though

haha oh my god thats mental. I hadn't seen it before!