Oh. My. God.
I can't tell if this has been the best weekend ever, or the worst. Or, sans superlatives, a bad weekend or a good weekend.
Most people will tell you that driving drunk is dangerous. They are correct, which is why I don't drive drunk.
However, driving after sobering up without sleeping first is also dangerous. Go ahead. Ask me how I know.
I was bored Friday night/Saturday morning. Very bored. I had been drinking much earlier in the night, but by 4am I was sober, awake, and terribly terribly bored.
What did I do? I drove to St. Louis. Completely spur of the moment, but at the end of the day (or the beginning, for that matter) not a great idea. I left at about 5:30ish and pulled into St. Louis at about 10 - after driving around trying to find a motel to suit my meagre means (I am a student, after all) I found a room a an EconoLodge, and checked in to get a shower and a nap.
St. Louis was dead when I arrived at 10. I figured maybe it was because it was a Saturday morning - alas, when I arose at 7 in the evening, it was much the same. Actually, it was worse - not only no people, but no restaurants or bars to speak of - and the place looked like a ghost town.
I ended up at some trendy tourist bar (in an area similar to navy pier, only on the mississippi river and about 1/18 the size) and after a few Guinness-es, was informed that it was last call - it was 11:15 at night.
So, trudging back to my room, I tried in vain to sleep, couldn't, and ended up watching Cop Land until 3 in the morning, when I finally passed out. Only, of course, to be awoken the next morning at 7:30 by a passing ambulance. I strolled around St. Louis in the rain for a few hours, then at 11 I left for the snowy climes of Chicago.
Moral of the story? We'll take a poll:
Was it -
a) Don't go to St. Louis...ever.
b) Don't drive sober.
c) If someone tells you that "Quad City is a lot like Chicago", smile, nod, and run away.
d) Pirates are fucking awesome.
Somehow, I like d.
I can't tell if this has been the best weekend ever, or the worst. Or, sans superlatives, a bad weekend or a good weekend.
Most people will tell you that driving drunk is dangerous. They are correct, which is why I don't drive drunk.
However, driving after sobering up without sleeping first is also dangerous. Go ahead. Ask me how I know.
I was bored Friday night/Saturday morning. Very bored. I had been drinking much earlier in the night, but by 4am I was sober, awake, and terribly terribly bored.
What did I do? I drove to St. Louis. Completely spur of the moment, but at the end of the day (or the beginning, for that matter) not a great idea. I left at about 5:30ish and pulled into St. Louis at about 10 - after driving around trying to find a motel to suit my meagre means (I am a student, after all) I found a room a an EconoLodge, and checked in to get a shower and a nap.
St. Louis was dead when I arrived at 10. I figured maybe it was because it was a Saturday morning - alas, when I arose at 7 in the evening, it was much the same. Actually, it was worse - not only no people, but no restaurants or bars to speak of - and the place looked like a ghost town.
I ended up at some trendy tourist bar (in an area similar to navy pier, only on the mississippi river and about 1/18 the size) and after a few Guinness-es, was informed that it was last call - it was 11:15 at night.
So, trudging back to my room, I tried in vain to sleep, couldn't, and ended up watching Cop Land until 3 in the morning, when I finally passed out. Only, of course, to be awoken the next morning at 7:30 by a passing ambulance. I strolled around St. Louis in the rain for a few hours, then at 11 I left for the snowy climes of Chicago.
Moral of the story? We'll take a poll:
Was it -
a) Don't go to St. Louis...ever.
b) Don't drive sober.
c) If someone tells you that "Quad City is a lot like Chicago", smile, nod, and run away.
d) Pirates are fucking awesome.
Somehow, I like d.

Happy birthday

happy birthday man!