matters of grave importance.
-no matter how cute you think it is, the plural of penis is not peni. nor is it penii. peni is a great pseudoplural, but penii is just ridiculous. it's spelled like it should be pronounced "peeny-eye" and I like that, but everyone I know who spells it that way pronounces it "peen-eye" so why the fuck add the second i? the second i shouldn't even be there. it's only there in words like radii, where in the singular there is an i before the "us" ending.
-I will hug you if you actually read and comprehended that.
-Styx rocks a lot harder than Gorillaz, and at a much more reasonable price.
-yesterday was the last day of winter in the Southern Hemisphere.
-actually that first thing was all I really wanted to say today, and at the risk of earning your undying apathy and/or a pitchfork-and-flaming-torch-wielding mob, I'm out.
-no matter how cute you think it is, the plural of penis is not peni. nor is it penii. peni is a great pseudoplural, but penii is just ridiculous. it's spelled like it should be pronounced "peeny-eye" and I like that, but everyone I know who spells it that way pronounces it "peen-eye" so why the fuck add the second i? the second i shouldn't even be there. it's only there in words like radii, where in the singular there is an i before the "us" ending.
-I will hug you if you actually read and comprehended that.
-Styx rocks a lot harder than Gorillaz, and at a much more reasonable price.
-yesterday was the last day of winter in the Southern Hemisphere.
-actually that first thing was all I really wanted to say today, and at the risk of earning your undying apathy and/or a pitchfork-and-flaming-torch-wielding mob, I'm out.
If you want merely cheese with your RAWK, you can't go wrong with Van Halen, pre-Hagar. Roth is an amazingly cheesy man on so many levels. No amount of singing about ladies and robots could come close.

yikes. Tory and Jenne moving in might be kinda neat though. but that'd probably make an awfully full house. where would they even stay (assuming Ryan isn't moving out)? would you clear out the computer room or something?