I ended up skipping the concert and pleasing someone other than myself for once.
you can take that to mean whatever you want but it probably wasn't as dirty as you're thinking. either way, it was a good night but now I'm pissed off that I didn't get my jig on. oh well.
everyone's gone for the weekend and I foresee a lot of nudity.
speaking of which, have you all seen my vagina?
you know you like it all untamed n' shit.
I'm totally ill today and cannot breathe for half a second without being interrupted by some phlegmish entity in the back of my throat. if this turns into another bout of tonsilitis, I'M CRACKIN' SKULLS.
I don't think it is possible for a person to quote The Breakfast Club too much.
this has been another lackluster update from your friendly neighborhood chick with a pretentious asswipe of a screen name.
update: I cry very easily when I'm sick. I disappointed half the country today by backing out of every plan ever devised and I'm making myself feel worse about it than I probably should. gimme hugs.
you can take that to mean whatever you want but it probably wasn't as dirty as you're thinking. either way, it was a good night but now I'm pissed off that I didn't get my jig on. oh well.
everyone's gone for the weekend and I foresee a lot of nudity.
speaking of which, have you all seen my vagina?
you know you like it all untamed n' shit.
I'm totally ill today and cannot breathe for half a second without being interrupted by some phlegmish entity in the back of my throat. if this turns into another bout of tonsilitis, I'M CRACKIN' SKULLS.
I don't think it is possible for a person to quote The Breakfast Club too much.
this has been another lackluster update from your friendly neighborhood chick with a pretentious asswipe of a screen name.
update: I cry very easily when I'm sick. I disappointed half the country today by backing out of every plan ever devised and I'm making myself feel worse about it than I probably should. gimme hugs.

Damn you and your pointing out of Amy's boy likedness! Because she does look like a 14-yr-old boy (in that picture anyway) and now I can't erase it from my head! A pox upon thee! But maybe I should be thanking you because perhaps I have a latent affinity for the penis. Nah, not likely, but I think I'm going to stop now because this comment is getting way too long.