Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Coelacanth R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
I don't see how that is any less horrifying than the anglerfish.
in addition to being MOTHERFUCKING HUGE, the coelacanth has a hinge jaw that allows it to swallow prey larger than itself. sure the anglerfish has it too but.. the coelacanth is spectacularly giant. plus, it is a likely progenitor of land-dwelling vertebrates! so there's a little bit of coelacanth in all of us.
pardon me, my nerd is showing.
I managed to spend no less than $326 today, mostly on tickets for the Kellystravaganza that is to transpire in 9 days, but also notably to suckle the teat of the Neighborhoodies industry.
I'm a fucking rich-ass motherfucker, bitches. I can afford fucking ridiculous hoodies with custom-made sewn-on shit and whatnot. I am Hedonism Bot, I am the crawling madness, I am everything I once despised.
but moving right along.. holy serendipitous occurrences, Batman! eh, Molly? eh? color me flabbergasted. I wonder what Nicole would say about this hootenanny.

I don't see how that is any less horrifying than the anglerfish.
in addition to being MOTHERFUCKING HUGE, the coelacanth has a hinge jaw that allows it to swallow prey larger than itself. sure the anglerfish has it too but.. the coelacanth is spectacularly giant. plus, it is a likely progenitor of land-dwelling vertebrates! so there's a little bit of coelacanth in all of us.
pardon me, my nerd is showing.
I managed to spend no less than $326 today, mostly on tickets for the Kellystravaganza that is to transpire in 9 days, but also notably to suckle the teat of the Neighborhoodies industry.
I'm a fucking rich-ass motherfucker, bitches. I can afford fucking ridiculous hoodies with custom-made sewn-on shit and whatnot. I am Hedonism Bot, I am the crawling madness, I am everything I once despised.
but moving right along.. holy serendipitous occurrences, Batman! eh, Molly? eh? color me flabbergasted. I wonder what Nicole would say about this hootenanny.
believe, greasy make out is gonna happen...