jeesh. okay. I only spent the entire fucking day on this paper. it's still half a page below the minimum length, but screw that shit in the ass. it's quality, not quantity, right? actually this paper has neither going for it. but no matter what drivel I churn out, I always seem to get an A. especially from this professor.
god bless my substandard school.
whooblah. anyway. my eyes are swollen shut with exhaustion and the glee of finally being done with all this academic shit for a while. next semester is going to be a total wank. music, sculpture, linguistics, and creative writing. that is exactly the kind of laid-back bullshit I've been lacking.
this semester rendered my soul entirely void and I just want to scream into the sky until crashes down around me. not only does my GPA now equal ruinination, but I am also a source of misery in untold numbers of people's lives.
that's it, infidels. I'm going to bed. gots to be up and outta here in 8 hours to face such delightful things as sexual harassment and jerkoff professors who think that an overflowing recycling bin constitutes an emergency. most people don't know or care, but I wield enormous destructive power on campus, despite the fact that I get $7.50 an hour and generally do what I am told by my spooky obsessive-compulsive boss whose neck wattle I am constantly lusting to staple to things.
yeah. bed. go to bread.
god bless my substandard school.
whooblah. anyway. my eyes are swollen shut with exhaustion and the glee of finally being done with all this academic shit for a while. next semester is going to be a total wank. music, sculpture, linguistics, and creative writing. that is exactly the kind of laid-back bullshit I've been lacking.
this semester rendered my soul entirely void and I just want to scream into the sky until crashes down around me. not only does my GPA now equal ruinination, but I am also a source of misery in untold numbers of people's lives.

that's it, infidels. I'm going to bed. gots to be up and outta here in 8 hours to face such delightful things as sexual harassment and jerkoff professors who think that an overflowing recycling bin constitutes an emergency. most people don't know or care, but I wield enormous destructive power on campus, despite the fact that I get $7.50 an hour and generally do what I am told by my spooky obsessive-compulsive boss whose neck wattle I am constantly lusting to staple to things.
yeah. bed. go to bread.
Sleep and dream happy dreams of burning things.