anyone who thinks I am not over Justin can please suck my ass? I've been over him since before we broke up. you're making me paranoid.
I am wearing pigtails today, possibly in honor of the poor dead piggie that Frank and others will be roasting today. my wittle heart weeps.
also, I have two speeches to give today and I can't give a speech if I look normal. I look like a fucking idiot in pigtails. so that will ease some of the pressure of having to sound good. they will expect very little from someone who looks like anger personified, with perky little pigtails...
shudder. I'm psyching myself out. I take school way too seriously sometimes. who loves alliteration?
weekend equals fart. no matter what you say, I am planning on cleaning my room and/or my bathroom. I am also going to write the longest paper ever and pray for general mayhem. la dee da.
I am wearing pigtails today, possibly in honor of the poor dead piggie that Frank and others will be roasting today. my wittle heart weeps.
also, I have two speeches to give today and I can't give a speech if I look normal. I look like a fucking idiot in pigtails. so that will ease some of the pressure of having to sound good. they will expect very little from someone who looks like anger personified, with perky little pigtails...
shudder. I'm psyching myself out. I take school way too seriously sometimes. who loves alliteration?
weekend equals fart. no matter what you say, I am planning on cleaning my room and/or my bathroom. I am also going to write the longest paper ever and pray for general mayhem. la dee da.
and sweetie pie, this is just my SG journal of craptacular doom. this is a condensed version of my life. there are things that I.. gasp! don't write in here. all shall be revealed someday, but um, for now, I'm pretty content to wallow in misanthropy and pretense. peace out.