it was too cold out today. I was devoid of snuggling. I need a snuggleperson or a higher percentage of body fat.
my wrists have the same girth as the supposedly average human penis. I urge you to measure and report your findings to see how we compare.
my laundry is done but I can't get up because there is, for once, a cat in my lap.
dear alyk wanted to know what happened with the ex-boyfriend, and it's a long irritating story so I will just reiterate what I have said about him before. he is clingier than all motherfuck, he is not his own person, and I am the last person he should be depending on so heavily for emotional support. I ceased to feel anything but pity for him a while ago. I let it go on for way too long.
I pinpointed it today.. there was a weekend last summer that was spent in Wisconsin, glory of glories, and for Justin it stands out as one of the greatest moments of his life and of our relationship, and I don't think he will ever know that that was the weekend I realized it was possible to cease loving him because there were 6 billion other people in the world and a lot of them understood me better than he did. but I stayed with him for almost a year after that, lying to myself and to everyone else.
so now it's all "I miss you" and "remember the good times" but man I moved on a really fucking long time ago, and I told him that, and he called me and I hung up on him, and he keeps signing his emails "love, justin" and he says he is reaching conclusions on his own, like maybe we weren't meant for each other after all, and my only hope is that he really believes that because as I see it, there is just absolutely no chance for a second chance. we are fundamentally very different people. I won't get into any more of the wrongs of our relationship or the reasons we were a horrible match because this is my least favorite topic ever and I've talked about it for way too long.
I don't even think about it anymore, you know? that was just for alyk. I've had enough. bleah. it's been a while since I had anything interesting to say. ask me again in three days. I promise I will stop sucking now.
my wrists have the same girth as the supposedly average human penis. I urge you to measure and report your findings to see how we compare.
my laundry is done but I can't get up because there is, for once, a cat in my lap.
dear alyk wanted to know what happened with the ex-boyfriend, and it's a long irritating story so I will just reiterate what I have said about him before. he is clingier than all motherfuck, he is not his own person, and I am the last person he should be depending on so heavily for emotional support. I ceased to feel anything but pity for him a while ago. I let it go on for way too long.
I pinpointed it today.. there was a weekend last summer that was spent in Wisconsin, glory of glories, and for Justin it stands out as one of the greatest moments of his life and of our relationship, and I don't think he will ever know that that was the weekend I realized it was possible to cease loving him because there were 6 billion other people in the world and a lot of them understood me better than he did. but I stayed with him for almost a year after that, lying to myself and to everyone else.
so now it's all "I miss you" and "remember the good times" but man I moved on a really fucking long time ago, and I told him that, and he called me and I hung up on him, and he keeps signing his emails "love, justin" and he says he is reaching conclusions on his own, like maybe we weren't meant for each other after all, and my only hope is that he really believes that because as I see it, there is just absolutely no chance for a second chance. we are fundamentally very different people. I won't get into any more of the wrongs of our relationship or the reasons we were a horrible match because this is my least favorite topic ever and I've talked about it for way too long.
I don't even think about it anymore, you know? that was just for alyk. I've had enough. bleah. it's been a while since I had anything interesting to say. ask me again in three days. I promise I will stop sucking now.
Just wondering, 'cause like I uh, write "Love, Jack" to like, pretty much all my ex-'s and uh, wonder how many of them think I'm just a sappy fuckin' loser.