thank you bitches. the love of a hundred billion internet weirdos allowed me to turn 21 safely.
I did not get drunk until just a moment ago, though.
oh, beer. beer with pasta. I am such a lightweight.
I got a lot of jelly beans for my birthday. I love a lot of them but there are a lot of gross flavors I do not want. give me your address and I will send you the gross flavors. like buttered popcorn? buttered POPCORN? if I wanted something to taste like buttered popcorn I would EAT buttered popcorn. you assholes.
if they had a beer jellybean I would not eat it. beer is gross. but I feel like I might be a zipper, and the whole wide world might be the jeans. so, it's gonna be okay.
PS berarrageeaaaaaaarggh.
I did not get drunk until just a moment ago, though.
oh, beer. beer with pasta. I am such a lightweight.
I got a lot of jelly beans for my birthday. I love a lot of them but there are a lot of gross flavors I do not want. give me your address and I will send you the gross flavors. like buttered popcorn? buttered POPCORN? if I wanted something to taste like buttered popcorn I would EAT buttered popcorn. you assholes.
if they had a beer jellybean I would not eat it. beer is gross. but I feel like I might be a zipper, and the whole wide world might be the jeans. so, it's gonna be okay.
PS berarrageeaaaaaaarggh.
Happy Birthday, etc.