SG + work = probably a bad idea. but I don't care, I'm leaving this job anyway in May and if I get fired before then, it's just another 6 hours a week of free time.
one benefit of having two jobs is you can fuck up at the lesser paying of the two and not really give a shit. I make $7.50 an hour here. someone else could be a lot happier at this job. someone else could need it.
me, I just have $1,300 sitting in the bank doing absolutely nothing. maybe I will pay rent, maybe I will get my own computer [edit as of 11/16/06: BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP], maybe I will get a really fucking awesome tattoo of a crop circle on my inner arm.
something like this one:

I've been obsessed with it for years but I'm not sure how well it would translate into an inner-upper-arm tattoo. I've also been going nuts about having Yeats quotes embedded in my skin. "a terrible beauty is born..." etc. I should have done it in Ireland.
I like this job because my boss is out to lunch for an hour and I get to sit on my ass eating M&Ms and writing boring shit about myself. and I get to talk to Kelly the Angry Locksmith and Mark the Fingerless Carpenter and they still call me "Trouble" and I still listen to my music too loud when no one else is in the office and it's been a good few years, it'll be three in May when I quit and don't look back and I hope those fuckers still give me rides across campus in their carts.
[edit as of 11/16/06: BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP]
instead, I went to class, and it was okay. and now I am at work, and it is okay, but I don't like Mondays, or Tuesdays, and I really won't like this Wednesday, but things will get a little easier after that, and before I even fucking know it it'll be summer and I'll be 21 and I'm running away to foreign states with my lungs open to the bitter breeze and I will be alone at last.
one benefit of having two jobs is you can fuck up at the lesser paying of the two and not really give a shit. I make $7.50 an hour here. someone else could be a lot happier at this job. someone else could need it.
me, I just have $1,300 sitting in the bank doing absolutely nothing. maybe I will pay rent, maybe I will get my own computer [edit as of 11/16/06: BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP], maybe I will get a really fucking awesome tattoo of a crop circle on my inner arm.
something like this one:
I've been obsessed with it for years but I'm not sure how well it would translate into an inner-upper-arm tattoo. I've also been going nuts about having Yeats quotes embedded in my skin. "a terrible beauty is born..." etc. I should have done it in Ireland.
I like this job because my boss is out to lunch for an hour and I get to sit on my ass eating M&Ms and writing boring shit about myself. and I get to talk to Kelly the Angry Locksmith and Mark the Fingerless Carpenter and they still call me "Trouble" and I still listen to my music too loud when no one else is in the office and it's been a good few years, it'll be three in May when I quit and don't look back and I hope those fuckers still give me rides across campus in their carts.
[edit as of 11/16/06: BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP]
instead, I went to class, and it was okay. and now I am at work, and it is okay, but I don't like Mondays, or Tuesdays, and I really won't like this Wednesday, but things will get a little easier after that, and before I even fucking know it it'll be summer and I'll be 21 and I'm running away to foreign states with my lungs open to the bitter breeze and I will be alone at last.
other than a total lack of DrStinkypants in your real life, i mean