I have to go to work in just under an hour. for some inexplicable reason this makes me want to make some confessions about my musical tastes:
1. I fucking love the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. no shit. and not just around Christmas, either. fucking power chords and overdone vocals on cheesy-ass Christmas music? THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!
2. my favorite Led Zeppelin song is "D'yer Mak'er" but I am not sure how to pronounce this so I usually pretend my favorite is "Immigrant Song." not that this matters in everyday situations.
3. I think the first cd I ever bought was Third Rock from the Sun by Joe Diffie. ergh.
4. in conjunction with #3, my first concert ever was Brooks & Dunn at the State Fair. I was like 8. it was a toe-tappin' good time.
5. other than that crap, my first real concert was the humongous free show Smashing Pumpkins did on like Hennepin Ave or some shit in like 1998. it was hot out and there were a hundred thousand people. GLORIOUS.
6. my most recent concert attended was Weird Al (again, at the State Fair) a couple years ago. it hurts me so much to think this.
7. I have seen the Metallica documentary Some Kind of Monster about thirteen billion times. Metallica and I go waaaaaay way way the hell back into the dark ages of middle school and overly gigantic t-shirts. I think James Hetfield may be the sexiest person alive and I would probably die happy if I could see Metallica in concert, but like, only if they didn't play any of their super new shit and only if Jason came back. or Cliff was resurrected from the dead. orrr.. something.
8. at the moment there are only 694 songs on my iTunes because of the Great Computer Self-Destruction of 2005. of these 694 songs, the most played is "Pink Triangle" by Weezer, which makes no sense to me.
9. a close second is "Vesti la Giubba," which I listened to a lot because I was writing a paper on it. but also because it is a truly fantastic song.
10. and I say this now as I am listening to Jimmie's Chicken Shack. I suck. I really really do.
11. the most perfect concert I ever saw was Sigur Ros and Album Leaf in September 2001. it was so unbelievable that sometimes I can't think about it. the second most perfect concert was Our Lady Peace just a few months before that. my friend's car overheated on the way there so we missed the crappy opening band and after the show we ate ice cream at a gas station and he bought me a hippo keychain that goes "I LOVE YOU" when you squeeze it, and its eyes pop out. I still have it but it no longer speaks.
12. I also saw Blink-182 and Bad Religion a bazillion years ago, and the only part I really remember was putting ice cubes in my bra because it was so ridiculously hot out. also, I saw some guy's hairy naked ass. I don't know.
13. sometime before that, I saw Orgy and Dope with my old best friend and her totally gay dad. and I told the blond bassist from Orgy that I loved him, which was stupid. he sweated on me.
14. I make a lot of mix cds that amuse no one but me.
15. I believe that the two most gorgeous albums ever composed are In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel and the totally clich OK Computer by Radiohead. which leads me to believe that I need to expand my musical horizons, um, stat.
16. most recently purchased album: Consent to Treatment by Blue October. I am not ashamed.
17. currently listening to: "War of Man" by Neil Young
18. I have a version of "99 Luftballons" that should seriously not exist. it is sung by Nena, but it is all slow and hideous. and it's like, woman, what the FUCK are you doing.
19. most recently downloaded song: Beethoven's fifth symphony, fourth movement.
20. my cd collection contains a larger percentage of greatest hits albums than you will ever hear me admit. and I mean like, from bands you would never expect to have a greatest hits album. and from bands that music snobs are supposed to disdain for releasing greatest hits albums. I say fuck 'em or something equally astute.
so, if you've gained any knowledge from this, it should be that I am not half as indie as I pretend to be when I go to Uptown. and that I write really incredibly pointless shit whenever given a spare moment. I gots to get ready for work now. cheers.
1. I fucking love the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. no shit. and not just around Christmas, either. fucking power chords and overdone vocals on cheesy-ass Christmas music? THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!
2. my favorite Led Zeppelin song is "D'yer Mak'er" but I am not sure how to pronounce this so I usually pretend my favorite is "Immigrant Song." not that this matters in everyday situations.
3. I think the first cd I ever bought was Third Rock from the Sun by Joe Diffie. ergh.
4. in conjunction with #3, my first concert ever was Brooks & Dunn at the State Fair. I was like 8. it was a toe-tappin' good time.
5. other than that crap, my first real concert was the humongous free show Smashing Pumpkins did on like Hennepin Ave or some shit in like 1998. it was hot out and there were a hundred thousand people. GLORIOUS.
6. my most recent concert attended was Weird Al (again, at the State Fair) a couple years ago. it hurts me so much to think this.
7. I have seen the Metallica documentary Some Kind of Monster about thirteen billion times. Metallica and I go waaaaaay way way the hell back into the dark ages of middle school and overly gigantic t-shirts. I think James Hetfield may be the sexiest person alive and I would probably die happy if I could see Metallica in concert, but like, only if they didn't play any of their super new shit and only if Jason came back. or Cliff was resurrected from the dead. orrr.. something.
8. at the moment there are only 694 songs on my iTunes because of the Great Computer Self-Destruction of 2005. of these 694 songs, the most played is "Pink Triangle" by Weezer, which makes no sense to me.
9. a close second is "Vesti la Giubba," which I listened to a lot because I was writing a paper on it. but also because it is a truly fantastic song.
10. and I say this now as I am listening to Jimmie's Chicken Shack. I suck. I really really do.
11. the most perfect concert I ever saw was Sigur Ros and Album Leaf in September 2001. it was so unbelievable that sometimes I can't think about it. the second most perfect concert was Our Lady Peace just a few months before that. my friend's car overheated on the way there so we missed the crappy opening band and after the show we ate ice cream at a gas station and he bought me a hippo keychain that goes "I LOVE YOU" when you squeeze it, and its eyes pop out. I still have it but it no longer speaks.
12. I also saw Blink-182 and Bad Religion a bazillion years ago, and the only part I really remember was putting ice cubes in my bra because it was so ridiculously hot out. also, I saw some guy's hairy naked ass. I don't know.
13. sometime before that, I saw Orgy and Dope with my old best friend and her totally gay dad. and I told the blond bassist from Orgy that I loved him, which was stupid. he sweated on me.
14. I make a lot of mix cds that amuse no one but me.
15. I believe that the two most gorgeous albums ever composed are In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel and the totally clich OK Computer by Radiohead. which leads me to believe that I need to expand my musical horizons, um, stat.
16. most recently purchased album: Consent to Treatment by Blue October. I am not ashamed.
17. currently listening to: "War of Man" by Neil Young
18. I have a version of "99 Luftballons" that should seriously not exist. it is sung by Nena, but it is all slow and hideous. and it's like, woman, what the FUCK are you doing.
19. most recently downloaded song: Beethoven's fifth symphony, fourth movement.
20. my cd collection contains a larger percentage of greatest hits albums than you will ever hear me admit. and I mean like, from bands you would never expect to have a greatest hits album. and from bands that music snobs are supposed to disdain for releasing greatest hits albums. I say fuck 'em or something equally astute.
so, if you've gained any knowledge from this, it should be that I am not half as indie as I pretend to be when I go to Uptown. and that I write really incredibly pointless shit whenever given a spare moment. I gots to get ready for work now. cheers.
Yeh, Dave's changed & filled out a bit, but that kid's still all right. but maybe he just looks different in that picture. i dunno.
I recently heard a slow, acoustic version of "Baby One More Time" but I can't remember who sang it. Travis I think? It's crazy how much better a song can sound when put to an acoustic guitar (e.g. "House of the Rising Sun").