I just saw an interview with Douglas Coupland on television in which he said, "irregardless." I want to think it was on purpose, but I suspect not. Oh the mail they'll get.
I need to eat great quantities of raw vegetables. I feel quite sickly. Normally in this situation I'd go to Dimitri's and get a large Greek salad and some tzatziki, but 1) they're not open on Sundays and 2) and I can't really afford it. So I'm eating leftover sheppard's pie. Greeeeaasyyyy.

I need to eat great quantities of raw vegetables. I feel quite sickly. Normally in this situation I'd go to Dimitri's and get a large Greek salad and some tzatziki, but 1) they're not open on Sundays and 2) and I can't really afford it. So I'm eating leftover sheppard's pie. Greeeeaasyyyy.

holy hawaiian breeze!
the entire place smells of it! haha... at least it smells nice. it smells familiar too, i think maybe my mom had a candle this scent, or someone else's house i went to or something.

ooo that'd be awesome. i'm off next wednesday and thursday. and just 12-4 on monday. so if we wanted to have an after 4pm coffee i could swing that on monday. and tuesday i work 4-8 so maybe before i have to go into work on that day would work too.