* The only person from my high school who I'm still friends with came to visit me last night, so we ate tempura, drank Keith's Light, and watched the second season of the Chapelle Show. We drunkenly decided to re-name the cat I live with "Charlie Murphy." That way when he misbehaves and I have to spray him with water, I can yell, "I'm Rick James, bitch!"
* I bought a cheap-ass scrap book at Wal-Mart for $3 so I can clip out all my stories from [here] and save them for my mom. They had some really nice scrapbooks at Chapters that were hard bound with leather covers. I may purchase one of these in the future for the same purpose.
* My friend Tanya is moving to the Netherlands for six months starting next Saturday. I'm supposed to go to a going-away BBQ thing for her tonight, but I'm pretty tired so I think I shall stay home and read and hang out with my boy, who will be back from NC in a couple of hours. I'll get blotto with Tanya sometime next week.
* I want to buy a house really bad. Ideally, this one. But more likely one like this. I have no money, lots of debt, and terrible credit, so this is all contingent on my boy agreeing to get a mortgage and also begging his parents for money for a downpayment. Uh-huh.
* My apartment is pretty messy, the toilet's acting funny and I have to do laundry. Good times!

* The only person from my high school who I'm still friends with came to visit me last night, so we ate tempura, drank Keith's Light, and watched the second season of the Chapelle Show. We drunkenly decided to re-name the cat I live with "Charlie Murphy." That way when he misbehaves and I have to spray him with water, I can yell, "I'm Rick James, bitch!"
* I bought a cheap-ass scrap book at Wal-Mart for $3 so I can clip out all my stories from [here] and save them for my mom. They had some really nice scrapbooks at Chapters that were hard bound with leather covers. I may purchase one of these in the future for the same purpose.
* My friend Tanya is moving to the Netherlands for six months starting next Saturday. I'm supposed to go to a going-away BBQ thing for her tonight, but I'm pretty tired so I think I shall stay home and read and hang out with my boy, who will be back from NC in a couple of hours. I'll get blotto with Tanya sometime next week.
* I want to buy a house really bad. Ideally, this one. But more likely one like this. I have no money, lots of debt, and terrible credit, so this is all contingent on my boy agreeing to get a mortgage and also begging his parents for money for a downpayment. Uh-huh.

* My apartment is pretty messy, the toilet's acting funny and I have to do laundry. Good times!

our landlord is fixing the molding around the tub and we're not allowed to shower today.