So, after 5 days of regrouping and surprisingly little moping, I've figured out what to do. The plan includes:
* Emailing the editor of my local free weekly to see about doing some freelance work. Apparently they offered my friend Billy a column a while back, but he's busy working in construction and running a record lable, so he had to turn it down. I'll write anything except music reviews. I'm thinking I want to write them a piece about SG if they're interested.
* No doubt most of you don't follow Canadian politics very closely (100 bonus points to the first non-Canadian to tell me what The Gomery Comission is!!!1), but there's an election brewing up here. We're looking at voting by the end of June. Anyhoo, I figure volunteering my time for a local campaign is a good way to meet potential employers. The question is which party I want to work for... the incumbant Liberals (who I mostly loathe, but are more likely to have big-wig types pulling for them) or the never-popular lefty NDP (they're a bunch of bleeding hearts that I like a lot, but I'm not likely to make many good business contacts working for them). Decisions...
* I want a new-to-me laptop real bad. I'm not really picky... somthing with more than the 64MB of RAM I have now, a wireless network card, 20+GB of hard drive space, and possibly a combo CD-RW/DVD-R drive would be devine. eBay suggests I can likely do this for under $600 shipping incl. Who wants to front me some cash???

* Emailing the editor of my local free weekly to see about doing some freelance work. Apparently they offered my friend Billy a column a while back, but he's busy working in construction and running a record lable, so he had to turn it down. I'll write anything except music reviews. I'm thinking I want to write them a piece about SG if they're interested.
* No doubt most of you don't follow Canadian politics very closely (100 bonus points to the first non-Canadian to tell me what The Gomery Comission is!!!1), but there's an election brewing up here. We're looking at voting by the end of June. Anyhoo, I figure volunteering my time for a local campaign is a good way to meet potential employers. The question is which party I want to work for... the incumbant Liberals (who I mostly loathe, but are more likely to have big-wig types pulling for them) or the never-popular lefty NDP (they're a bunch of bleeding hearts that I like a lot, but I'm not likely to make many good business contacts working for them). Decisions...
* I want a new-to-me laptop real bad. I'm not really picky... somthing with more than the 64MB of RAM I have now, a wireless network card, 20+GB of hard drive space, and possibly a combo CD-RW/DVD-R drive would be devine. eBay suggests I can likely do this for under $600 shipping incl. Who wants to front me some cash???

I'm not sure about the next election. It doesn't look like June anymore, probably more like January or February. Maybe the NDP will get their act together, who knows. It'd be nice to see them with 60 seats in the house, making noise.