Whores at the door
Update in point form due to extreme laziness coupled with extreme business:
* Heard back from the professor who was supposed to write the refrence letter that Concordia never got. Apparently she sent it, but I think she may have used an out-of date address. So Imma get another copy of it from her tomorrow and send it myself via courrier so I can get a tracking number and make sure it gets there this time.
* Went and looked at Eric Rerun's bass amp today. Man, do I ever want it. It's even leopard print! This is surely a sign from god that I was meant to own it. He wants around $200-$250 for it, but I'm broke. Commence job hunting... *shudder* I think CD Plus in the Regent Mall is hiring, so Imma try to talk to them this week.
* I still have not heard from Zach/Pierre about whether or not they wanna play that show in SJ and/or jam sometime this week. I will call Zach and tell him what's what tonight. Diva tantrum!
* I asked Billy on MSN today if he needed me to work the door at Bionic tonight, and he said no, but then he messaged me earlier saying he could use my help, so I gotta do that later. Working the door rules... you don't have to pay to get in, you get free beer, and Billy usually tries to give you some cash at the end of the night.
* I have a paper due tomorrow which I have not started yet. The working title is: "That Monkey is Going to Pay: The Simpsons and Anti-Intellectualism in America." I fucking rule. I wish papers came as easy as titles. I need to hunker down and get working on that ASAP so I can get something done before I have to go to Bugaboo.
* Gumby's baby shower was surprisingly fun. The DJ Drums Trip and I bought were a big hit, even though they got two sets. Jesus H. Christ, people!
That's all, I need to work now.