I keep hearing that the cover show went really well. I suppose it did in that we had fun and people liked us, but I keep on obsessing over the stuff I fucked up on. There was one part of Debaser where I got lost for some reason so I just played whatever until it went back into the verse/outro, which is the same three notes in the same order over and over. I also stopped playing U-Mass before everyone else... I was standing there like, "oh they're all still playing... I probably should too." I fucked up a bunch towards the end of Where Is My Mind??? too, which was completely unexpected becasue it's one of the easiset songs we do. Oh well, apparently no one noticed because people kept on coming up to me afterwards and saying how awesome we were. This one girl insisted on paying for my pizza when she saw me at Samba Brazil after our set. She didn't ask me to sign her boobs, though.
We might be playing Linda's CFMH Foolapalooza on April Fool's day if she decides to do it. If we end up doing that I wanna add a bunch of songs to the set... like at least two or three more. I'm thinking In Heaven, Hey, Ed is Dead and possibly another yet to be determined... In Heaven is only, like, a minute and a half long anyway. Eight songs isn't enough, especialy since they're not long to begin with and we tend to speed everything up when we play live. Apparently at a Foolapalooza, we have to pretend to be the actual band all night. In our case this would probably mean a lot of heroin and not talking to each other except for Pat and I to trade passive-aggressive insults. Sounds like fun to me.
I'm hungry, yet poor. Think I might cook up some chick peas in the last of that korma sauce I have.