Because NoPantsDave came back and made a special request, you get two random photos!
My office view
Inside my shower
My independent study advisor liked my recent paper on Cruising so much that she thinks it should be published. Fo' rizzle! She's gonna help me expand it and submit it to various scholalrly journals. Now that should help me get into a Master's program. I'm still scared to be a lowly undergrad running with the big dogs though.
Launching Pixies cover band in two weeks time. I can't sing. Or I am working with faulty mics. Likely both. Kick ass!
Current addictions include (but are not limited to):
* Diet Dr. Pepper
* slsk
* flattery
* singing badly
* my new blender
Bands I forgot I like, but now remember thanks to slsk:
* Devo
* The Dead Milkmen
* The Mummies.
Vote on the next random photo of the day:
1. The contents of my laundry basket
2. The contents of my bass case
3. The contents of my make-up bag

My office view

Inside my shower

My independent study advisor liked my recent paper on Cruising so much that she thinks it should be published. Fo' rizzle! She's gonna help me expand it and submit it to various scholalrly journals. Now that should help me get into a Master's program. I'm still scared to be a lowly undergrad running with the big dogs though.

Launching Pixies cover band in two weeks time. I can't sing. Or I am working with faulty mics. Likely both. Kick ass!
Current addictions include (but are not limited to):
* Diet Dr. Pepper
* slsk
* flattery
* singing badly
* my new blender
Bands I forgot I like, but now remember thanks to slsk:
* Devo
* The Dead Milkmen
* The Mummies.
Vote on the next random photo of the day:
1. The contents of my laundry basket
2. The contents of my bass case
3. The contents of my make-up bag

i could do myspace when i'm away though, that might be cool. what's your username? send it through my email and i'll say hello during the week
i'll probably not go anon for a couple of weeks, though... and what the hell, pixies cover band! fucking yes!! now that i'd like to see (or at least hear about!!).
i'm not trying to entice you (or am I?), but Belfast is a city in love with the Pixies. every rock night has about three or four pixies songs, and every pixies tribute band going has played here! (strangely, i was reading the liner notes to the Complete B-Sides last week, and they mention how the song 'into the white' was played in Belfast and someone took a photo which was oddly... err.. white or something. anyway. the Pixies were impressed. yup).
glad to hear things are going great for you, i'll definitely keep in touch, and there's totally a 5 booze voucher over here with your name on it!
mail me with your myspace profile! take care
that was a joke.
I want to read your paper. Will you send me a copy? email or whatever. I miss academia. gotta get back to school.