Wednesday Jul 12, 2006 Jul 12, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email My roommate can fuck off and die. xo VIEW 11 of 11 COMMENTS synnove: "basking sharks are friendly and do not pose any threat to people." thats no fun i want to see the new hurrrr! Aug 3, 2006 aoife: hi. I just did it to be like Twwly. Just kidding. My man went and bought a ring and now I guess we're engaged. No immediate plans for a wedding--I have more immediate plans for grad school, or attempting to get into grad school, or something. but yes, we be getting married. Aug 7, 2006
i want to see the new hurrrr!
I just did it to be like Twwly.
Just kidding. My man went and bought a ring and now I guess we're engaged.