The "Greg" Conspiracy
What do you talk about with Math guys?
And, why is every guy named Greg a Math major?
Is it some sort of "Greg" conspiracy?
I'm pretty lame on number theory, topology and algebra.
And, what's the difference between applied mathematics and, you know, unapplied mathematics?
Is it like in one you have problem about theoretical apples and the other you are actually trying to make apple juice?
Does one go to class and the other one stays home to play video games?
What about ethnomathematics?
What is this craziness?
Doesn't that negate the statement that math is universal?
I thought math was the international language.
So, how can you study cultural differences in mathematics?
Well, hell, then I really have no hope at all in foreign countries.
one beer + one beer = 3 beers in Japan
Ok, so I guess you could study the evolution of math in different cultures, assuming there is some sort of primitive uniformed state of the ability to count in humans.
But I still hate fuckin' F.O.I.L.
Damn First Outside Inside Last algebraic bastard of a snappy title.
Maybe I should tell all the math majors named Greg that in my culture we estimate that everything is 23...
So that will always be the answer, first, out, in, last or not.
Did you know that there is a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics? (NCTM?)
I bet there is an inordinate amount of men named Greg belonging to it.
NCTM...hmmm...Nerds Come Together Mathematically?
Yes, by groups of 23, groups of 23...
What do you talk about with Math guys?
And, why is every guy named Greg a Math major?
Is it some sort of "Greg" conspiracy?
I'm pretty lame on number theory, topology and algebra.
And, what's the difference between applied mathematics and, you know, unapplied mathematics?
Is it like in one you have problem about theoretical apples and the other you are actually trying to make apple juice?
Does one go to class and the other one stays home to play video games?
What about ethnomathematics?
What is this craziness?
Doesn't that negate the statement that math is universal?
I thought math was the international language.
So, how can you study cultural differences in mathematics?
Well, hell, then I really have no hope at all in foreign countries.
one beer + one beer = 3 beers in Japan
Ok, so I guess you could study the evolution of math in different cultures, assuming there is some sort of primitive uniformed state of the ability to count in humans.
But I still hate fuckin' F.O.I.L.
Damn First Outside Inside Last algebraic bastard of a snappy title.
Maybe I should tell all the math majors named Greg that in my culture we estimate that everything is 23...
So that will always be the answer, first, out, in, last or not.
Did you know that there is a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics? (NCTM?)
I bet there is an inordinate amount of men named Greg belonging to it.
NCTM...hmmm...Nerds Come Together Mathematically?
Yes, by groups of 23, groups of 23...
[Edited on Mar 23, 2005 12:24AM]