Heya there lovers!!!
How the hell is summer treatin ya?
For a bit here it was

Hotter than hell!!!
So I stayed inside doing a bit of this...


and making braclets & rings with my daughters like this

Since moving back home I have been able to spend more time with my brother. He is 3 yrs older thsn me..he has been a waiter all his life..actually makes a preety darn good living at it..but with all his yrs of experience he has turned into a master chef..
Made me the tastiest roasted portabella I have ever had!
Sundays I spend lounging at his communities pool..four sundays during the summer they have live bands..going to see one next week!!

I have missed Pittsburgh for so many reasons its still shocking me I am back..I really missed all the bridges I enjoy walking them.
I told ya cupcakes bout my new kitten he is great fun..I have been doing alot of modeling for zivity and I am ptetty sure he is tryn to go with me!

my girls say he is a bengal kitty..all I know he is a stalker..hunter!!

I went to a japenese?? restaraunt the other night..my first time at such a place..they put on quite a show and I ate lobster and orgasmic sushi!!
This one was called the Pittsburgh roll with eel!
I typically dont watch horror films which is why I have started I love comedies but I need a little fright in my life so the othet day I watched the original The Evil Dead..which was actually more funny then scarey..and I watched Bunnyman..
I am now on the look.out..that bunny affected me similiar to when I had to stop readimg IT!
Shit easter bunnies and clowns will never be the same for me
I brought my dad home ...
It took.bringing three different vases before I had right size and color...you can buy one from them for 350 or bring your ownn..well my three didnt cost that much and I am happy with the last one that worked!

SO I am going to go back to school for my nail technician liscense ..The one I got in Wyoming is not transferable..I loved nails most...it allowed for so much creative and artistic freedom as well as being my own boss..I will be starting the first week of Sept. !
As I said been doing crazy amounts of shooting for Zivity! Spanx to mamy of ypu cupcakes I am actually rigjt now #8 in the top ten for the Month!!! After thinking about not modeling anymore and after this past year..well all I gotta say is I really appreciate your support..compassion..and above all else sweet lovin..Please come perv on me over at Zivity if you have not already!!!
I have been over there tryn to bring Da Sexy back!!

If you would like a Free Months Membership to perv on me and many other lovelies from around these here parts..just PM me your email and I will send you an Invite!!
Well I am outta here to go do as I asked you to do..PERV on YOU!
Til next time Same SG channel!!
Random pic DUMP
How the hell is summer treatin ya?
For a bit here it was

Hotter than hell!!!
So I stayed inside doing a bit of this...


and making braclets & rings with my daughters like this

Since moving back home I have been able to spend more time with my brother. He is 3 yrs older thsn me..he has been a waiter all his life..actually makes a preety darn good living at it..but with all his yrs of experience he has turned into a master chef..
Made me the tastiest roasted portabella I have ever had!
Sundays I spend lounging at his communities pool..four sundays during the summer they have live bands..going to see one next week!!

I have missed Pittsburgh for so many reasons its still shocking me I am back..I really missed all the bridges I enjoy walking them.

I told ya cupcakes bout my new kitten he is great fun..I have been doing alot of modeling for zivity and I am ptetty sure he is tryn to go with me!

my girls say he is a bengal kitty..all I know he is a stalker..hunter!!

I went to a japenese?? restaraunt the other night..my first time at such a place..they put on quite a show and I ate lobster and orgasmic sushi!!
This one was called the Pittsburgh roll with eel!

I typically dont watch horror films which is why I have started I love comedies but I need a little fright in my life so the othet day I watched the original The Evil Dead..which was actually more funny then scarey..and I watched Bunnyman..
I am now on the look.out..that bunny affected me similiar to when I had to stop readimg IT!
Shit easter bunnies and clowns will never be the same for me

I brought my dad home ...
It took.bringing three different vases before I had right size and color...you can buy one from them for 350 or bring your ownn..well my three didnt cost that much and I am happy with the last one that worked!

SO I am going to go back to school for my nail technician liscense ..The one I got in Wyoming is not transferable..I loved nails most...it allowed for so much creative and artistic freedom as well as being my own boss..I will be starting the first week of Sept. !
As I said been doing crazy amounts of shooting for Zivity! Spanx to mamy of ypu cupcakes I am actually rigjt now #8 in the top ten for the Month!!! After thinking about not modeling anymore and after this past year..well all I gotta say is I really appreciate your support..compassion..and above all else sweet lovin..Please come perv on me over at Zivity if you have not already!!!
I have been over there tryn to bring Da Sexy back!!

If you would like a Free Months Membership to perv on me and many other lovelies from around these here parts..just PM me your email and I will send you an Invite!!
Well I am outta here to go do as I asked you to do..PERV on YOU!
Til next time Same SG channel!!
Random pic DUMP
Kisses & Cupcakes
You are one sexy momma. I just watched that bunnyman movie this weekend lol.
great KISS reference