Oh my God! I just watched the best short documentary I've ever seen. It's called "Jenin Jenin" and it's about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
Watch this film! and have some tissues handy
It made me feel guilty for even sitting here right now with my laptop, removed from the realities of the world and cosily isolated in my own safe, virtual realm. I feel like standing in front of a bulldozer, raising my fist and giving my privileged life to a bigger cause than I.
Watch this film! and have some tissues handy
It made me feel guilty for even sitting here right now with my laptop, removed from the realities of the world and cosily isolated in my own safe, virtual realm. I feel like standing in front of a bulldozer, raising my fist and giving my privileged life to a bigger cause than I.
CCAC, foxier by the moment, you are.
will prod about design stuff and and tell you full version of eric story so that it makes more sense and you'll see why i shoot down the idea that we're that passionate about each other. perhaps when i see you? we can throw skittles at passersby.
not exactly SF...try a certain large institution in the east bay that contains a "telegraph ave" mentioned under my "into" section.
and flattery? why you should be, as long as you disregard the definition of flattery that includes "falsehood". *meow* hehehe i'm torturing my roommate with all of my thrashing about as i'm frantically trying to get ready hehehehehehehehe i just dropped my floss. *giggle*
will email with details later tonight. *meeeeeeeeow*