party = socks rocked off.
can't remember the last time I had so much damn fun.
I had the most fun meeting everybody; I tried to add as many as I could think of as friends, if I forgot you, throw poop in my direction and I'll put you up there and start sending you random comments.
now I must sleep; it's been a 21 hour day. Should have been longer, but I figure there's much better times to come.
Hugs to freakin' everyone. Everyone made my night.
Now, then, who wants to help with my SB shoot?
p.s.--currently looking for Alan from Orlando. apologies to Amber5 for calling him abbey, my memory seems to be a very heinous ass.
can't remember the last time I had so much damn fun.
I had the most fun meeting everybody; I tried to add as many as I could think of as friends, if I forgot you, throw poop in my direction and I'll put you up there and start sending you random comments.
now I must sleep; it's been a 21 hour day. Should have been longer, but I figure there's much better times to come.
Hugs to freakin' everyone. Everyone made my night.
Now, then, who wants to help with my SB shoot?
p.s.--currently looking for Alan from Orlando. apologies to Amber5 for calling him abbey, my memory seems to be a very heinous ass.
*ahem* i believe it is Amber with the hands of jack the pumpkin king, yo. its all good, we were all driz-unk as hiz-ell. mad fun.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You made me laugh today, my dear. Your comment in my journal was the best I've had in quite a while!