Well, this blog homework will consist in two parts and I'll start with the oldest pet, my cat Shakespeare.
We found him on a rainy day after coming back from Comic Con Experience 2015 here in Brazil. Of course we wouldn't leave him there, so we put him in a box with us in the car and started deciding on his name. As we'd been a little bit unlucky with cats name lately (in one year we had guesses their gender wrongly haha), so we couldn't go either for Juliet nor Romeo, so we settled for Shakespeare, as we decided that a surname was "genderless", just in case.
Since then, we'd been taking care of him at home, but then an aunt of mine came to live with us again and started letting the cat go outside, and unfortunately one of our neighbours uses to put rat poison in some places of his house and we've already lost some of our pets because of that. So, we took him to live in by bf's house.
He's been living with them there for around 1 year and a half already, and he even became a really great cat uncle! But some time ago he has had a disease that made him stop eating, as his organs wouldn't help food get to/leave his stomach :( He spent around 4 months in treatment and even staying at the vet for some weeks.
And now he's a REALLY BIG two-year-old lovely cat (not kidding, when he goes to the vet everyone comments about his size!), I just can't imagine life without him!!!!