you know. i think that every monday and wednesday, i may have to avoid a vicious mob after class.
the herd of little fat women that situate themselves in the corner of the english class fucking HATE me. well, they hate the professor too, so at least i'm not the only one.
you know, i think it's cause i can read. oh. and because i can understand things too.
imagine that shit.
i'm getting SUCH a kick out of pissing these little pollyanna's off.
what glee i find in narcissism. <insert mighty cackle here>
the herd of little fat women that situate themselves in the corner of the english class fucking HATE me. well, they hate the professor too, so at least i'm not the only one.
you know, i think it's cause i can read. oh. and because i can understand things too.
imagine that shit.
i'm getting SUCH a kick out of pissing these little pollyanna's off.
what glee i find in narcissism. <insert mighty cackle here>
god, i need a drink.