busy busy busy but here is my update. hope everyone is good
a while ago i was looking around online for some decent hip-hop stuff.. something in the vein of Vast Aire, Copywrite, or Aesop Rock, and i found the Disflex6 site. i recognized ya from the crew pic section. as soon as i get a debit card i'm most definitely picking up a few cd's... i loved the stuff i heard on the few sample mp3's. i only wish there was more stuff like what you guys are doing on the east coast... specifically New England.... maine has a decent music scene, but it's not too diverse. mostly heavy stuff, local punk/emo/hardcore bands or country. i cant think of any non-commercial hip-hop that i've seen play there.
Come back!
it was nice to hear from you, though
Training's been slightly upset by heavy drinking for the sake of baseball. But, now I'm maybe back in full action. How's the DJ biz going? Play a club so I can go and dance my ass off.