Another day another dollar....I got paid for sleeping today. All the clients fell asleep so the other worker and I had a little nap. Just a little one, sort of...
Out lastnight, dancing the night away as usual between two close friends.........the pianos. The crowd got to listen to my beautiful voice on the mic with Tim. Well I think my rendition of Big Yellow Taxi was fantastic
Some young hunk o'spunk propersitioned me for a freaky night cap (his words)....told him he knows where to find me. Was so not interested in a freaky nightcap with some guy with a big chip on his shoulder. He was hot but personality was a big ZERO.
Tonight is a quiet one. Making the most of the house to myself. Need to get sleep. Body is feeling the stress of looking for a place to live and little Mel is not sleeping too well. Hence falling asleep at work!!
Big smiles to everybody.
Out lastnight, dancing the night away as usual between two close friends.........the pianos. The crowd got to listen to my beautiful voice on the mic with Tim. Well I think my rendition of Big Yellow Taxi was fantastic

Some young hunk o'spunk propersitioned me for a freaky night cap (his words)....told him he knows where to find me. Was so not interested in a freaky nightcap with some guy with a big chip on his shoulder. He was hot but personality was a big ZERO.
Tonight is a quiet one. Making the most of the house to myself. Need to get sleep. Body is feeling the stress of looking for a place to live and little Mel is not sleeping too well. Hence falling asleep at work!!

Big smiles to everybody.

You're a vocalist? (please excuse ignorance, I'm a slack prick and haven't been on the site in yonks let alone reading journals). Always up for some sweet, sweet music
Does the personality really matter for a freaky nightcap?? haha!