No time for a long entry but I saw Tool on Wednesday with Jill. It was amazing. We got a hotel in Peoria that night (even though you DO have to be 21 to check in, the guy at the desk posted his ID for us). My only complaint about the concert is that the crowd was kind of rude and so you could tell...
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I have to talk to my mother about helping me pay for college tomorrow and I feel so so so sick thinking about it. I had always thought that I'd be paying for my own education but.. then we got my FAFSA shit back and I only got approved for a 5000? dollar federal loan (there are still others I could take out though) and...
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this is actually one reason i dont think i want kids ever. by the time they go to college, its gonna be at least a million dollars for an edumacation... shocked

sorry to hear youre in a tough situation
That sucks. Why wouldn't see want to give you some money if she's making enough that she has it. I could add more but not my place. Hope it turns out for the best.
Pirates of the Caribbean was absolutely amazing. I am now faced with the impulsive desire to get a tattoo of a small skull and crossbones on my hip. ARRR!!!
My dad makes me feel so bad about things sometimes. I was talking to him about my job today which pays me minimum wage. I had told him that my boss had told me I was doing a really good job and definately making the cut. And my dad asked me "There's a cut when they only pay you 6.50 an hour?" and so I...
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I tore my lower belly button piercing yesterday when I was horseback riding. I went to rub my stomach and jerked it. I rode anyways but when I got into my car I rolled my pants down to look at it and it was covered in blood. frown Its pretty sore today and I imagine it will be for a while but hopefully it heals up...
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