ok fuckers, i need some testimonials or what little self esteem i have left is in serious danger. if you actually remember who i am, tell the world about me.
i got that shit all sewn up. beyotch.
Hi, random person that stumbled across my journal
my answers:
1: The Clash
2: Billie Holiday
edited to add:
sweet. I just read your favs... between that that your answers, you've got some damn good taste in music
[Edited on Oct 20, 2004 9:45AM]

my answers:
1: The Clash
2: Billie Holiday
edited to add:
sweet. I just read your favs... between that that your answers, you've got some damn good taste in music
[Edited on Oct 20, 2004 9:45AM]
I used to live in Flour Bluff. Whereabouts Corpus are you?
stuff and things
new pic: crazy eyes and dramatic lighting! oooooooohhhhh!
a touch creepy, yes. But fun as well. Welcome back!
That rules.
I'm outta here as soon as my subscription runs out. You can catch me over at livejournal under this same handle. It's been fun. Toodles.
shoot...we didn't even get the chance to be dicks together!
damn internetlessness.
well, fare thee well in livejournalville. maybe i'll see you over there sometime.
damn internetlessness.
well, fare thee well in livejournalville. maybe i'll see you over there sometime.
i think pattern recognition was closer to neuromancer's greatness than all tomorrow's parties
Life is getting interesting again after the summer doldrums. Registered for classes, met a girl tonight, wrote something.....there's something in the air this week (besides the ragweed).
She's smart, and she's cute, and she plays her own songs on the guitar.
There needs to be a fluttery eyes smiley. But this'll do for the moment:
She's smart, and she's cute, and she plays her own songs on the guitar.
There needs to be a fluttery eyes smiley. But this'll do for the moment:

well, i guess the monkey is somewhat fluttery or something, right?
This is my new journal entry.
I'm feeling remarkably uncreative at the moment, so I'll just list things that have happened recently.
1. I moved. Or rather, my parents moved, and I followed
. Suburban hell is actually kind of nice. It's very quiet. And I have broadband now, and it's free, so I can't really argue with that.
What's better than porn? Really fast...
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I'm feeling remarkably uncreative at the moment, so I'll just list things that have happened recently.
1. I moved. Or rather, my parents moved, and I followed

What's better than porn? Really fast...
Read More
Really fast porn is great. That's why I watch it with the FFWD button held down.
Haven't read Darwin's Dangerous Idea (by Daniel Dennett!) yet, though it remains on my list of books to read. I think I'm in line for it at the library.
It's great to discover a bug you've never seen before. It makes me fill so wonderfully ignorant.
Haven't read Darwin's Dangerous Idea (by Daniel Dennett!) yet, though it remains on my list of books to read. I think I'm in line for it at the library.
It's great to discover a bug you've never seen before. It makes me fill so wonderfully ignorant.
really fast insect porn is even better.
I know, I know, I'm a non-updating, non-journal-commenting dick. But between extra hours at work and Star Wars Galaxies and, well, even more Star Wars Galaxies, I've hardly even looked at the site for about three weeks.
Other things I've been doing recently:
1. Trying to figure out whether the new Mars Volta album, Deloused in the Comatorium, is interestingly complex, or just obnoxiously messy,...
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Other things I've been doing recently:
1. Trying to figure out whether the new Mars Volta album, Deloused in the Comatorium, is interestingly complex, or just obnoxiously messy,...
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dude! you're a dick too?? that makes two of us, i think. and my track record has been a lot worse than yours, lately. though you had the title this spring.
thanks for picking up on the ol' T. Herman nod. i wonder if you're the only one who got that?
i would certainly be around more if it weren't for blasted internet access fees... grr.
hope you're well, and i hope to catch up with you some, soon.
thanks for picking up on the ol' T. Herman nod. i wonder if you're the only one who got that?
i would certainly be around more if it weren't for blasted internet access fees... grr.
hope you're well, and i hope to catch up with you some, soon.
bite me. i hope you're still around.
"We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel just needs this helping hand
And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work
We're only making plans for Nigel
He has his future in a British steel
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel's whole...
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We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel just needs this helping hand
And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work
We're only making plans for Nigel
He has his future in a British steel
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel's whole...
Read More
Right now, it's Devo - Whip It
tell nigel that im back.... beyatch!!!
My Spurs are once again NBA champs. I'm gleeful.
Now, thank god that's over. The ugliest finals I've ever seen. Set basketball back a hundred years. And I don't have to worry about how the Spurs are gonna blow the next game anymore
. And frankly, I'm just sick of the playoffs; I think they started about two and a half months ago.
Two stat...
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Now, thank god that's over. The ugliest finals I've ever seen. Set basketball back a hundred years. And I don't have to worry about how the Spurs are gonna blow the next game anymore

Two stat...
Read More
What is that? Greek?
in other news: CRIBBAGE. yaar. I want to start a cribbage club, a mean one, like an outlaw biker gang, with satin jackets and everything.
in other news: CRIBBAGE. yaar. I want to start a cribbage club, a mean one, like an outlaw biker gang, with satin jackets and everything.
i'm having a hard time getting excited about the finals at all...they were just so god damned ugly, AND the fucking playoffs took for-EVER, and you know what people are gonna say "well they weren't as entertaining without the lakers" which is nonsense, it's not like the lakers never had a bad series either, this was just two good teams with really bad timing i guess.
that, and i'm kind of a nets fan. not really like OH MY GOD I LOVE THE NEW JERSEY BASKETBALL NETS or anything, but i always liked watching them play, thankfully i was out of town last year when they got smoked like some low-quality lunchmeat in the finals, so i didn't have to watch THAT.
and yeah, duncan is a fucking powerhouse. all due respect.
so can we talk about boobs now, or something? or how fun it is to talk like a pirate, or eat whipped cream straight from the can? i feel kind of dirty discussing sports here.
that, and i'm kind of a nets fan. not really like OH MY GOD I LOVE THE NEW JERSEY BASKETBALL NETS or anything, but i always liked watching them play, thankfully i was out of town last year when they got smoked like some low-quality lunchmeat in the finals, so i didn't have to watch THAT.
and yeah, duncan is a fucking powerhouse. all due respect.
so can we talk about boobs now, or something? or how fun it is to talk like a pirate, or eat whipped cream straight from the can? i feel kind of dirty discussing sports here.
yesterday I read somewhere that if your pillow is six years old (which is apparently the average age for a pillow), about ten percent of its weight is live mites.
pleasant dreams
pleasant dreams

Only 10%? That sucks...
Your polo shirt is forgiven, since it has holes in it. Sounds like a laundry-day item of clothing, for which all fashion faux can be forgiven. I don't remember whether his was starched, but it did look fairly tidy.
Your polo shirt is forgiven, since it has holes in it. Sounds like a laundry-day item of clothing, for which all fashion faux can be forgiven. I don't remember whether his was starched, but it did look fairly tidy.
mine is 10% mites and 30% dried saliva. make that 25% live mites. i'm sure of it. i need a new pillow
i will be writing about my first memory later this week...and poop...or maybe my first memory of poop...
it seems like few of us have been around much, lately...
i will be writing about my first memory later this week...and poop...or maybe my first memory of poop...
it seems like few of us have been around much, lately...
are you active, Senor October 20th?