i am trapped in chattanooga, tn. my brand new car, Lulu, was rammed into by some woman & her rental car while my car was parked at jeremy's apartment. the woman hit it hard enough to take off the front bumper & possibly damaged the radiator.
now jeremy's leaving today on a plane to NY & i'm stuck here trying to figure out insurance bullshit & hoping to get a rental car from that woman's insurance until Lulu's fixed (although i'm not sure they really want to help that woman anymore after what she did to the rental car SHE had). as of now, Lulu's still sitting in the parking lot all fucked up. no towing has happened. no repairs have started. i haven't even heard from the claims rep. yet. & i have to work tuesday, somehow.
i don't know anyone here. i feel sick...unlike when my other car caught on fire, i'm not in a manic state where nothing was insurmountable. my depression is creating overwhelming anxiety. i couldn't sleep last night, although i stayed in bed until 11 AM. i obviously can't handle the slightest bad thing when i'm not manic. even something small makes me feel out of control.
i just want everything to be fixed now. i just want to go home.
it's my birthday in a week. yay. when do i get my little balloon next to my name?
now jeremy's leaving today on a plane to NY & i'm stuck here trying to figure out insurance bullshit & hoping to get a rental car from that woman's insurance until Lulu's fixed (although i'm not sure they really want to help that woman anymore after what she did to the rental car SHE had). as of now, Lulu's still sitting in the parking lot all fucked up. no towing has happened. no repairs have started. i haven't even heard from the claims rep. yet. & i have to work tuesday, somehow.
i don't know anyone here. i feel sick...unlike when my other car caught on fire, i'm not in a manic state where nothing was insurmountable. my depression is creating overwhelming anxiety. i couldn't sleep last night, although i stayed in bed until 11 AM. i obviously can't handle the slightest bad thing when i'm not manic. even something small makes me feel out of control.
i just want everything to be fixed now. i just want to go home.
it's my birthday in a week. yay. when do i get my little balloon next to my name?
wow, you'll have lived 1/4 of a century come the 17th. you have a lot to look forward to. when i hit 25, my liver failed and i think i lost a lung. at least i still have my teeth, but now i live in england, so those will probably be next to go. probably the day i get my british passport. just because you can't have good teeth and be british. and it's true. i know they say it's all just a rumor, but no, it's true. trust me, i know these things.
i was looking for your address today, but accidentally wiped my email inbox clean. oops. i thought it would be safe there. last time it was in my address book. which was stolen. who knows, maybe the theifs will send you a birthday gift. if they send you my glasses, could you send them back to me? i could really use them.
seriously though, drop me a line with your magic digits on it. and what do you want most for your birthday?
ps: i can't do a new car, private jet, perfect partner, or un-ending glee. although i wish i could.