is the fbi for real?:
also, today i realized how little faith i will ever have in the intelligence of strangers:
i was at the post office today (mailing out your presents, rainwolfkin) & there was an adult male (maybe 35 years old) standing in line in front of me. he was mailing a dvd player in its original packaging back to the manufacturer.
the post woman asked him that bit about "is there anything fragile, hazardous, liquid, or perishable...?" & he says, & i fucking quote: "well, it's a dvd player...uhhh...perishable?"
i'm not kidding. he sounded completely vulnerable. like a stoner in high school who's just been called upon unexpectedly by the teacher. or like he was in shock that this postal worker had reason to spontaneously test his vocabulary. he kind of trailed off toward the end of the word "perishable" but she heard him. & so did i.
at first i just raised my eyebrow, because i AM hard of hearing sometimes...but no...i know what i heard. my mouth dropped open, like the fucking cartoon that i am.
the post woman completely ignored this uncomfortable opportunity to educate the poor guy & then, after asking other questions, said, "i'm gonna stamp it as FRAGILE, okay?" like she was telling a small boy that she was gonna give him a shot, but that it'd only hurt for a minute.
frankly, i'm still in awe, even just recalling that moment. is it possible that he really doesn't know what perishable means? after all those bits on fox news about, "...& 12 perished tragically in the crossfire..."? or even the word fragile? come ON!!!
if there is any hope in the world, that man immediately went to the library & found himself a dictionary. am i an idealist to think he might actually have tried to LEARN from such an awkward situation? or did he just decide that he knew what he was talking about & allow his ego to continue propelling him toward certain ignorance?
out of curiosity, do i really deserve to draw toward myself, on a regular fucking basis, really lame, ignorant, slow, boring posers of guys under the age of 21? can't a girl get a slice of pizza without harassment? do i really look like i'm in high school?! (okay, sometimes...)
but just because i have piercings & look irritated does not mean that i wanna talk to you about the tattoo you're gonna get when you have enough money & the cool band you're gonna start.
it means i have piercings (that i've had since you were in middle school) & i'm irritated (because, aside from the fact that i'm a dyke, i am quite obviously uninterested in everything you're saying & was in the middle of a conversation with my friend Jyna).
also, today i realized how little faith i will ever have in the intelligence of strangers:
i was at the post office today (mailing out your presents, rainwolfkin) & there was an adult male (maybe 35 years old) standing in line in front of me. he was mailing a dvd player in its original packaging back to the manufacturer.
the post woman asked him that bit about "is there anything fragile, hazardous, liquid, or perishable...?" & he says, & i fucking quote: "well, it's a dvd player...uhhh...perishable?"
i'm not kidding. he sounded completely vulnerable. like a stoner in high school who's just been called upon unexpectedly by the teacher. or like he was in shock that this postal worker had reason to spontaneously test his vocabulary. he kind of trailed off toward the end of the word "perishable" but she heard him. & so did i.
at first i just raised my eyebrow, because i AM hard of hearing sometimes...but no...i know what i heard. my mouth dropped open, like the fucking cartoon that i am.
the post woman completely ignored this uncomfortable opportunity to educate the poor guy & then, after asking other questions, said, "i'm gonna stamp it as FRAGILE, okay?" like she was telling a small boy that she was gonna give him a shot, but that it'd only hurt for a minute.
frankly, i'm still in awe, even just recalling that moment. is it possible that he really doesn't know what perishable means? after all those bits on fox news about, "...& 12 perished tragically in the crossfire..."? or even the word fragile? come ON!!!
if there is any hope in the world, that man immediately went to the library & found himself a dictionary. am i an idealist to think he might actually have tried to LEARN from such an awkward situation? or did he just decide that he knew what he was talking about & allow his ego to continue propelling him toward certain ignorance?
out of curiosity, do i really deserve to draw toward myself, on a regular fucking basis, really lame, ignorant, slow, boring posers of guys under the age of 21? can't a girl get a slice of pizza without harassment? do i really look like i'm in high school?! (okay, sometimes...)
but just because i have piercings & look irritated does not mean that i wanna talk to you about the tattoo you're gonna get when you have enough money & the cool band you're gonna start.
it means i have piercings (that i've had since you were in middle school) & i'm irritated (because, aside from the fact that i'm a dyke, i am quite obviously uninterested in everything you're saying & was in the middle of a conversation with my friend Jyna).
Yeah. Gets old.
Me, I just troll for attention from anyone I possibly can, so I have absolutely NO clue where you're coming from on that.
I would love to see your post in pink though