life & being are all connected, science is math is art is language, music, expression. even when "imperfections" exist, "perfection" is also present...because there are no judgments when we are animals, mammals...nervous systems encased in meat & bone, floating around, whirring thoughts & emotion complicating the simplicity of least i'm able to understand simplicity's complexity. or is that a bittersweet curse disguised as enlightenment?
no dichotomy, no good or bad. no way of calling IS anything but IS.
we live inside ourselves, rarely aware of this place, our Self. we spend more time looking out...& still judge what we see...would rather misperceive than stop perceiving at all.
no dichotomy, no good or bad. no way of calling IS anything but IS.
we live inside ourselves, rarely aware of this place, our Self. we spend more time looking out...& still judge what we see...would rather misperceive than stop perceiving at all.
i want to sit naked in the woods on a cool autumn day, on a patch of moist moss and feel the leaves falling from the trees and see the sun beaming through the leaves and see the night swallowing the sun and remember what it feels like to have life fill my lungs.
sometimes, pure experience needs no heirarchy.
...for if all things are equal in their meaninglessness, if nothing truly matters, then it is possible to believe that everything matters in that everything we perceive as existing DOES exist &, therefore, must have an ultimate purpose in our personal realm...
it's the "everything happens for a reason" approach to existence...& it's a bit more optimistic...