a day for spring cleaning. naked.

i'm vegan but, at the request of my lovely roommates, i am baking my infamous homemade macaroni & cheese from back in the day. it is so fucking good.

watched the film Closer last night. wow. natalie portman & jude law are amazing... biggrin
btw, i think you should marry MRO. he's furry and he lives close to me. wink
yes, do you have msn messagner?
i have been somewhat happy for 3 weeks.
i am scared that it's about to crash & burn in front of my very eyes...and even if i am the pilot, i don't really know how to fly, but somehow i have my pilot's license...the person in power rarely deserves it.

in the meantime, though, i've been excited about living.

i'm reading a book called "the...
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Three weeks isn't too long to be happy. Three uninterrupted years maybe, but three weeks is normal. I don't think you're due for a crash & burn yet. At any rate, good luck.

Rickets the Clown
The blackouts weren't good blackouts
And they didn't feel nice
I bumped my head
When I fell over twice

I still debate there is a huuuuuuuuge difference between being one and being alone but, regardless of my own argumentative thoughts, I am so pleased to hear you say you are happy. I hope it lasts for a long, long time, moreso because your pretty face doesn't suit being all miserable and frowny.

Oh, and you see the last few pages of your book about evil women? The ones which have been left 'intentionally blank'? That's a chapter reserved for your life, that is tongue tongue tongue

truth with a capital t:

i am careless. i am a destroyer.

but i am also honest, caring, & hedonistic.
i make mistakes.
i am mortal.

i am a tree & i will grow despite the smog.
despite the sun.

so will you.

no one is.

only ONE is.

the only thing we ever know to be true is that we are perceiving what we...
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This is from my senior thesis. I don't agree with you now, but I kinda did a while ago:

Kierkegaard writes in Philosophical Fragments that nothing comes into existence as a result of necessity. By definition, the necessary "is" always. It cannot, therefore, come into existence, for the things which come into existence go from possibility to actuality, and the possible is never the necessary. Coming into to existence never involves necessity, Kierkegaard argues, for if necessity plays any role in the process of coming into existence, the thing would have already come into existence and remained there, for it is necessary that it "is" so. Kierkegaard therefore concludes that the necessary is a category unto itself, and that the "transition from possibility to actuality takes place with freedom."
Actuality never becomes necessary. This is significant because the past retains the same status as that of the future and the present: uncertain when brought before the mind's eye. The fact that the past becomes, after it has existed, an object for consciousness does not make it necessary, for this would mean that the one who apprehends necessarily adds something to that which is apprehended, thus making the presumed object of apprehension never the same as the desired object of apprehension, brought before the mind's eye. The only thing the past loses in becoming the past and not the present is the opportunity to become sense content. That which brings the past into being remains hidden. Neither existence nor recollection yield any real clues as to the how of its coming into being. The conjunction of one past event with another changes nothing insofar as the how of the being of the past is concerned. That something is remembered as coming into existence does not demonstrate the necessity that it come into existence in one way rather than another.
Immediate certainty is able to be had of all that which one is both contemporary with and apprehended through the uses of the sense. But such knowledge is certain only insofar as it is concerned with the "what" of that which is apprehended: immediate certainty is lost as soon as one looks to the "how." That an event "is," this information the senses are well equiped to provide. But, if asked how the transition from that which was not to that which is took place, one does herself no good to look to the senses for an answer. If one looks at soldiers fighting a war, one may well be able to tell that the people are fighting, but one could not know why the soldiers choose to stand and fight rather than run. The immediate perception, through the senses, of an event or series of events provides absolutely no knowledge of that which brought it into being.

...but anyways, my thesis was about the nonnecessity of the meaning of the past, and not about science or anything like that. And the more I reread my thesis the more I think I totally disagree with you, but thanks for giving me the opportunity to post part of my boring-ass thesis on the net. Sorry if you actually read it.

[Edited on Apr 12, 2005 6:14PM]
i'm back. mad boo.

i liked my vacation - it kicked serious ass.
i got to smoke, drink, & be merry every single day.
i got to cuddle, talk, play, & hook up with a cute jah-lovin' hippie at the Hostel in the Forest. her name was Kentucky-i.

i also got to hook up with a good friend of mine.
i got to hang with the...
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You got to cuddle n' stuff. Yay!! biggrin biggrin biggrin
escape is grand. glad you had a good trip. i need one soon.
come over and i will drag your ass down to the expo with me. i am going again today to buy more swag. biggrin

about the gmail thing, i have a buttload of invites that i dont know what to do with. you can make yourself an email addy for the dirty porny sites that your frequent. whatever email for one if you like.
It's Coming! TV Turn Off Week! April 25th thru May 1st

i leave on my spring break to S. Georgia & Florida TOMORROW!!

i'm most excited about the ocean. but i also really miss The Hostel In The Forest.

things i've never done or seen that i'm about to:
camping on the beach.
florida state parks
florida folk art museums
local shows in st....
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Nooooooooooooooooooooooo, don't go frown

Anyway, when are ya coming to the UK? Hmmmm??? C'monnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn smile
I miss the keys! The sponge-docks and pirate celebrations are some of my fav. things about FL! Dig it and have a dynomite time wink
i had a psychological evaluation today. i was told things i already knew -- bipolar II & anxiety disorder. but by a doctor.

i earned a small white piece of paper which guarantees me drugs. perhaps one day i'll feel better...

that is, if the fucking idiots at eckerd could figure out whatever they need from my insurance company & give me the fucking pills!...
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I'll bet you'd have gotten your drugs quicker if you'd gone through with the tantrum. They would just want to get you out of there...it's really amazing what a little scene-causing can do.

Thank you for your comment. You're incredibly sweet.
today i want to tell you that you are beautiful. i'm selfish for being your friend i think. there's never been a single moment when you didn't take the time to feel exactly what i was going through. you're the only person in the world that i know that does this. i think you're special. and i think i'm greedy for forcing you to be my friend. wink you're perfect to me.
That's a lovely picture of you and J cheek to cheek (the one from last week). I was just about to ask how come you manage to attract so many beautiful ladies (J, Rainwolfkin etc) but I have already answered my own question - it's because you are a genuine, lovely person.

I won't ask why you call that place the Honey Hole because I fear my imagination has thrown up something entirely different to the reason why you gave that place it's name blush What is it's purpose, tho? Is is a home for you all? A playgroup thing? Or just a random project to entertain the kids?

Take it easy kiss
I would love to spend a similar weekend with you. It kicked ass big time. When are you coming over to the UK then? Hmmmm????

Oh, i'm glad you clarified something too - I thought Americorp was a stockbroking company, like Bancorp or Ameritrade. I didn't realise it was a peace keeping thing. So it's kinda like the American Army but you don't leave the country, you just fight local wars. Yes? Cooooool. Do you have a gun n' stuff? biggrin

i am feeling so lazy. i rolled out of bed at 11:30 AM even though i felt plenty rested when i woke up the first time at 7 AM.

i am cancelling my therapy appointment for today. fuck talking. i'd rather spend today finding myself some deeper trouble.

only one more week until i leave on my spring break to S. Georgia & Florida -...
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jason *shudder*. i think we've both known some creeps in our lifetime. i was telling a story the other day and realized that everyone i was talking about was in prison or had done something highly illegal in the course of this story and i finally had to admit to myself that i tend to hand around with shady people...
spring break sounds fun
you needs to find yourself a good woman wink well it looks like this is the place to be *dj scratch*
god damn clouds! whatever
keep on dancing!
*churns butter*
musings, a letter:
to the most important person in my universe:

><> <><

Be careful about the reading...I've found the more I learn about any disorder I may or may not have, the more I become that description in a textbook...the harder it is to define myself as a being. Believe me when I say that you are a whole lot more than a definition...
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i have my psychological evaluation for bipolar disorder II on Thursday. i can't fucking wait for some drugs.

also, i think J's parents think i'm creepy for hanging out with their child. they don't want her to be queer. but she is. & i'm sure they realize i am, too. so, naturally i'm trying to recruit her & fuck her brains out. because that's what...
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oh yeah, by the way, my room is really messy too. can you come over and help me clean it up? kiss
How can anyone be vegan by virtue of the fact that HAM exists...<drool>...?
you look a wee bit ruffled and flushing in your second grouping of photos wink
Why 45 days? And WHY without sexual contact? That's a good way to go insane!
i have a headache.

i got a different job. but not really. just a different schedule in the same job doing all the same things (structuring, giving consequences, restraining, teaching, tutoring, mentoring, mothering/sistering teen girls in a mental hospital), but now i also get to assist the teacher during their school time. she's wanted me in the class for a while, but the position wasn't...
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hi there...sounds like you are a warrior for sure. smile

call me this weekend if you get the chance...maybe we can hang out.
Hey there....I should stop what? Wasting my lungs? Well you smoke too, right? I like it, I`m not going to quit for the next 2 years I think.
I`m young, I`m lost ...so why not...hehe
