i have a girlfriend. she is the grrrl we call Concussion.

brilliant plans laid
by mysteries
come to me
all without asking

i could love this girl.

& i will not be afraid.
you should be jealous. i insist that you get your ass moving and at least see some of this gorgeous planet that we are on. you and any member of your soul family are always welcome where ever i am at. i'd love to see you.
Haven't seen you in Locos yet!
living in fuzzy.

i keep losing shit, forgetting things, dropping things, & am generally underwater in this...it feels pretty good, regardless of the fact that it got my phone run over... biggrin

i really like her. that's all i've got right now. i just wanna touch her, kiss her, cuddle her...know her. i'm so fucking disgusting. ha.

funny how i freely use the words "i love...
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i would love it if you come. its probably more affordable than you think. just come in january when prices are super low and stay with us and dont spend much money while your here. everything is outrageously expensive, i can't imagine you'd want to buy any of it when you can get it for 1/4 the cost in the US.

you should quit smoking because i love you and don't want you to die of cancer. your mind is a powerful thing. you can use it to help you stop. it worked for me. i hate cigarettes now. (and the niquitin lozenges--for when you really need one).

is everything ok? i hope you are still floating.
quick <3
i'm gonna call the girl Concussion now, because she doesn't want her name on here. fame -- so much to be concerned with...or maybe she's paranoid. biggrin

so yeah, Concussion. i really like her. unfortunately, nothing i say can be original right now. one of the down parts of falling for someone is the lack of creativity that ensues. happiness & infatuation result in shitty, cliched...
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yeah, well, we pisces are the shit like that. biggrin
Thanks for commenting on my new set! Glad you liked it kiss
i talked to jeremy a few days ago & told him that i just want to be friends...he took it pretty well, because we both know that it'll be a long time, if ever, before we can stop shouldering our baggage from the past when we interact. we have a new friendship to build before anything is safe.

i am so tired. up all night...
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out of anything, sleeping with people has been a goodness this year. just sleeping, snoozing, close physical contact in rest and doing nothing but laying there. yeah.

friends sounds good. really good.
I am envious of you. I am glad you have found someone like Caroline kiss kiss kiss
thank you to those who sent me birthday wishes! it was a pretty happy birthday despite tummy troubles (which beer & cigarettes surely don't improve...) blush

life is such a jumbled, disorganized & misorchestrated show. i don't know when to sway, when to jump up & down, when to find a seat...closer to the stage? further away?

for 6 months i didn't notice anyone interested in...
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i'm so glad that you put your sears family portraits up. ooo aaa
they make me smile
I like the second painting. and um happy birthday!
my mind doesn't file that memory as happening during july. i'm a bit mixed up in that department though.

i think i remember you taking pictures of me while i was sleeping. it was a long drive. blush
someone, whose name i fear mentioning here based on the high probability of google searches on her name, is interested in me. much to my surprise & amazement. you see, she's not the most forward person...& didn't seem the most accessible either...she's got lots of walls up. however, she tore at least one down by letting me know she's pursuing me. which was cool.

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i sewed the bee onto my favourite black v-neck jumper, in a place that isn't always visible, but surprises people when i gesticulate or hug them. bee! with black and yellow thread to keep its integrity.

& good call on the lyric finish. i'm going to think about you and sex and bees as the holy trinity from now on.

visit, yes. well, no. but i've begun packaging. it's going to be a little scrapbook of my life at 3am unfortunately.

[Edited on Jul 13, 2005 9:20PM]
oh no! do you think my accent has changed the way i say tater tot? i certainly don't say pop anymore. shocked

or dinfrent eeek

i got out of chattanooga by putting a rental car on my credit card. when i go back next week to pick jeremy up from the airport, i'll drop off the rental car & hope that Lulu is fixed...the insurance bullshit probably won't be sorted out yet, so i'm sure i'll have to pay the $500 deductible for fixing the cheap plastic bumper. whatever. maybe...
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all i can say right now is hugs.
i wonder why we are always on the same level. my anxiety has been out of control for days. except, i sleep too much rather than not sleep.

i wish you could take a holiday for your birthday.
i am trapped in chattanooga, tn. my brand new car, Lulu, was rammed into by some woman & her rental car while my car was parked at jeremy's apartment. the woman hit it hard enough to take off the front bumper & possibly damaged the radiator.

now jeremy's leaving today on a plane to NY & i'm stuck here trying to figure out insurance bullshit...
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frown poor lulu and poor you. i wish i was there so you weren't so alone. please let me know how it works out.

wow, you'll have lived 1/4 of a century come the 17th. you have a lot to look forward to. when i hit 25, my liver failed and i think i lost a lung. at least i still have my teeth, but now i live in england, so those will probably be next to go. probably the day i get my british passport. just because you can't have good teeth and be british. and it's true. i know they say it's all just a rumor, but no, it's true. trust me, i know these things.

i was looking for your address today, but accidentally wiped my email inbox clean. oops. i thought it would be safe there. last time it was in my address book. which was stolen. who knows, maybe the theifs will send you a birthday gift. if they send you my glasses, could you send them back to me? i could really use them.

seriously though, drop me a line with your magic digits on it. and what do you want most for your birthday?

ps: i can't do a new car, private jet, perfect partner, or un-ending glee. although i wish i could.

kiss and *big hug* (with out patting) wink
bush & blair: two idiots, but at least one is mildly articulate.

why don't people see that even brown people count as human lives? is it possible that they actually forget that they're permitting the murder of many iraqi & other middle eastern innocents every single day & have been for years?!

ugh. puke

regardless of everything, i'm just really glad to know that rainwolfkin &...
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I can't believe you are siding with the terrorists.......
i wish i could come over and make you feel less lonely and less depressed. are you in need of some meds? or is it something else?

i think you are lucky to go whitewater rafting. wish i could come with you.

i'd rather have blair as a prime minister than bush as a president. at least blair doesn't say something stupid every single bloody time he opens his mouth.

i see saul williams on your artists list. i saw him at nin. he was amazing. i'd never heard of him before and it was a bit ghetto racial political for the nin crowd, but he was warmly welcomed and his poetry melts me.

i should read ishmael.

i can't stop reading.

i just want to talk until your loneliness dissipates...
i have no money. i'm currently taking donations.

i'm not fucking joking.

mania is dangerous.

but at least i have a brand new car (?!)

in further news: i got a med dosage increase today.

i don't know if i'll fill the prescription. it costs too much.

i think the dr is merely a pimp for the drug companies. because there's no generic form of...
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I hope you are doing ok smile
thanks for your call today. i wasn't expecting one from you at all, and it makes me very happy that you took time out to check in. i know that it wasn't a good time for you, with the work situation and all. thanks so much.

its one thing when it happens in another state. its another when it happens a few 100 feet from your house.

love you. kiss
i need attention of the flirtatious faction.

i had a dream that jeremy & i were getting married
& i didn't even wake up scared or sick.

i realize that i want to be with jeremy.

he seems to want to be with me.

somehow we aren't together.

i am not sad.
i am not empty.
but i have no words.
just like john donne said, ask not for whom the bell tolls... it tolls for thee. only rather than being about death we can make them be about doing good things for other people.

i'm sorry. i should have been more free with the sex. if i only knew then what i know now... smile