ok, ive been talking to a lot of people about the whole LGBTetcXYZ thing, now il say right now, im a straight white man, that's it, not bells, no whistles, no identifying myself as a duck or whatever.
now, personally I consider myself quite tolerant (tolerance and acceptance are two different things) I go by the rule of 'you be nice to me and i'll be nice to you' but I swear to whatever you believe in, if someone called me CiS gendered to my face i'd bop them on their nose.
why does everything have to have some odd label attached? and why am I supposed to give 2 shits about what grown adults do behind closed doors?
I have friends across the spectrum, do I ask about who or what they are doing? No, I don't, cause its none of my business so why does it seem that they are trying to make it? your gay, great, you like to fuck furniture, cool, don't need to hear about it, I don't come round to your house and tell you of the sex im having do I? no, I don't, cause sharing isn't caring, keep it to yourself, the only time we need to discuss that sort of thing is if were joining in.