ok, at this point in time, my nan died 2 weeks ago from a long slow decline from having a couple of strokes to where she was basically a vegetable, this took about 10 months and I had already mourned her before she finally died.
now, I don't begrudge my granddad splashing his cash, giving his car to my cousin who is loaded while I struggle to put food on the table, that's besides the point, I do however mind when my other cousin puts into his head to get yet another dog (they got him a puppy before and after I said he couldn't take care of it, I was ignored, he hurt himself while walking it and my cousin took the dog with her) my granddad has only recently had a hernia operation and is now being convinced to get another dog, but not just a small terrier or the like but some big ass boxer cross that comes upto his waist and isn't trained, my granddad is 87 and in no way could look after this dog
of course when I point this out, I get shouted at by everyone about how I naysay everything, its none of my business etc.
though I did point out that the last time he hurt himself walking the dog I ended up having to walk it for months and go really out of my way to do so and that perhaps thinking with something I like to call common sense would be better