thanks for the answer. it makes a lot of sense.i figured it had to be something related to diet. i'll pay more attention to the gals' bills when i'm out there again.
now that i'm thinking about it, the boy:girl ratio seems to have been higher in the country than in the city, but that could easily just be because it's so easier to spot the boys, and the girls are easier to spot in the close quarters of the city compared to the country, so who knows.
I've been remarkably connected to el internet these past few days, and that's gonna hold for the rest of the week. We got our work done in Bahia Kino and we're now in Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa. We're at a hotel, which is quite nice, because we're got... wireless. And I thought travel was inconvenient.
Anyway, no amazing stories, just some beautiful... Read More
It's cold here! At night. Damn desert. I'm in Sonora, on the coast, and I saw gulls perched on Saguaro cactus this morning. Classic desert, right out of a Western. I've gotten a few pix, I'll try to upload tomorrow. I've been busy driving to various hardware stores and gabbling in Spanish trying to get the right bits we need for the work. We're building... Read More
i miss the desert. the saguaro fruits make a good wine, though, for your reference if you're down there for a bit.
what kind of birds are you studying?
Okay. Probably should give you folks a little bit better idea of what that means and what happened and all that.
I was working on my talk until the night before. My last run-through sucked pretty bad. I was pissed, but I gave myself fifteen minutes before giving it another go. In that time, it clicked. I went to bed, and worked a bit on... Read More