Oh my god NEMESIS kills me. so gorgeous.

listening to old mirah a little high <3
pinback on Friday! I'm excited!
and date with someone cute smile
i love PINBACK!!! good luck oon ur date!biggrin
Have fun! biggrin
halloween was pretty fun. went out with friends to some hipster dance-y club/warehouse. didn't stay too long but by 1 I was ready to take the bus home. I haven't worked out once this weekend and have drank too much all weekend. I feel like crap. yesterday went thrift store hunting. found some awesome finds, might have to do that again today. I need combat...
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I'm so damn excited about Halloween this year! hopefully I dont bump into any icp kids, I really don't want to get hurt. my best friend called, so excited about the tripp pants he found at the thrift store and then asked if I had a wallet chain.

so offensive.
Do you mind if I ask what are ICP kids? and what is so offensive?
I hope sleep comes to me soon. drank a ton of green tea before the gym and I'm still wired.

I wish I had a new book to help me get there, I read two last week and being jobless I just cant keep up with buying new books frown

I need to go to the library. 3 day long snow storm...icky. I'm not looking forward...
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I'm all used up and a worn down.

But it leaves me somewhat content, not much left to loose. maybe thats what relief feels like.
how the fuck do I cancel my account. arghhh.
cant. its still there until your membership expires as far as i know
Why would you want to give up the awesome goodness that is SG?

gym.gym. gym. gym. I hate cardio machines. blah stop raining.
im finding myself growing to dislike facial piercing more and more. unless it's a medussa,or a septum.
whats is the madussa again? what do you think about dimple piercings?
I say no thanks, but thats just me. medussa is right over the lip, in the cupid's bow.