Politics & Current Affairs

A place for people to discuss their Politics and Current Affairs. A place for all opinions from all parties to bring their talks to each other. Please be respectful and civil!

travel and relocation

A group for members who share a love of travel. Spending your summer backpacking around Europe? Moving to a new city, and want the inside scoop? This is the place for everyone who feels the pull of the road, be it for a short trip or a new direction in …

film club

Film, movies, cinema, whatever you want to call it! Please don't spoil anything!

fan art

Show us what you've got! Fan art of the beautiful SGs! *** PLEASE NOTE *** This group is NOT for general art. It's specifically fan art of the SuicideGirls. There is a group called "Artists" for that kinda stuff. Thanks. Also - please do not ask to be drawn - …


For those who have a dick, and/or those who love dicks. Must have been a member for at least a month, and have a profile picture to be accepted.