Ok ... just wanted to write a quick apology to anyone I may have annoyed/ pissed off in the last little while. I've been under a hell of a lot of stress lately and due to the fact I've had very little sleep (due to one hell of an annoying toothache) I may have come off as being rather grumpy. I really am sorry if this relates to any of you in any way. I'm so glad to have met the people I have met on here as well as those I've had the pleasure to chat with. I'm going to be in a better mood soon ... exams end on Thursday and then it's off to the dentist for a root canal. Hope everyone is doing well.

Aww, a root canal? Ow. *hugs*
I have so many - where to start?! What's your Christmas goodie of choice? Cookies? Toffee bars? Pumpkin loaves?