i have my b&b reservations in amsterdam, i have my plane tickets and hostel for rome, i have my appointment for my new ink.... eeeeeeeeeee. hurry up august and get here!
ah, looks nice biggrin
btw, new ink?
i'm having crazy cravings, for example:

*black and green olives,
*oven baked toast,
*strawberries with cool whip,
*good beans on toast (only british people can make this properly)
*a kiwi
*some tapioca
*alu gabi
*a strawberry slushie
*the chocolate covered cookie dough bites that i got at the movie theatre in s.f
*spicy curly fries
*tator tots with mustard
*bean sprouts
*a granny smith apple...
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these cravings aren't crazy biggrin

they're mine too (ok i don't really know * some tapioca * alu gabi * the chocolate covered cookie dough bites that i got at the movie theatre in s.f ...... but the rest fits perfectly! )

have a nice weekend sweetie kiss

Hopefully not all at the same time? shocked tongue
sorry, didn't want to attack you, but for me it is much to colorfull. i always need some white area to watch and get my eyes a bit silence...
What a colorful life you lead !!!
i'm tired of the baustelle beneath my window, every morning they're out there pounding away, jackhammers, clanging pipes... for once i'd like to get a lovely night's rest and not be woken up by stupid loud men...

the past two nights i've had seriously intense dreams about two of my exes... and it just creeping me out on all sorts of levels. i like to...
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Klaus? Any particular reason...? surreal
it's too hot. germany is not supposed to be in the 90s. especially when there is not a lick of air conditioning to be found in the country.... i'm laying here topless, too hot to sleep and too tired to be awake.

anyone want to go with me in the morning to buy hair dye? i'm completely out of pink. and that just will not...
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all i want is the taste the colour. i want to feel the vibrant hue, the intensity of the wavelengths it emits... i can't stop the paint... it needs to pour from me, i have to feel whole again.

no matter how many colours i use, black is still my favourite.

i don't know why i torment myself by asking for certain schools to send me info when i know i can't go. i recently requested info from the school of art institute of chicago... and it came in the mail today, and i am nearly in tears over how much i wish i was going to art school. it hurts my heart like there's no...
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"I would say I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not. I excel at not giving a shit. Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation and expectation begets disappointment, so the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A=B=C=A or whatever. I also don't have much interest in being a good person or a bad person, from what I can tell, either way...
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"I excel at not giving a shit"

Thats a great quote.
*** Just a lot of Bitching***

Why are people so vastly disappointing? I wonder moreover why I let myself have hope that they aren't, time and time again... meah. But really on a large scale, the numbers are staggering.

Im tired. Just so unbelievably tired of all of it. Trying to make friends, talking to humans, interacting even on the most basic level at work,...
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ah i know what you mean about work. I hate lazy ass people that don't do their job...cause you always end up picking up the slack.

I am excited about going back to school in the fall too. Spending this much time with my parents is starting to get to me. but ya know i think I needed to get away from my life for a while and just relax and not worry about stuff.

So you are getting your own apartment? Do you get to live alone???? I would love too. Rent is just so expensive. Actually I would love to live with just one person but I don't think that will happen soon frown Hope you have fun decorating and all that ! smile kiss kiss When are you guys going to illinois?