I'm moving! wooo! We finally know where and when (ish) we're leaving. I'm so excited. It has been a big back and forth, maybe here maybe there, what if we moved to this place. It's a relief... reallly. So anyway we're going to Seattle! If anyone has any advice or experiences with Seattle send them my way.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE SEATTLE!!! I'm coming to visit!!!
i'm trying to adjust to the new layout of the site, but it makes me a little nutty.
I know what you mean. I'm slowly getting use to it, but I definately like the old layout for the photo's better.

I'm not really sure when they changed it, I was "away" for a week and when I got back, it was like this.

I wish that they would have a feature in the settings that would let you use the new vs old layout.

If I had unlimited amounts of time I would totallyy want to learn how to spin, but I think I have my hands full enough!! smile
i officially have a school i'm going to. i got my acceptance letters and i got into the one i wanted. it's amazingly exciting. i have been looking at classes to take, and apartments to live in... so many things keep falling into place and i keep waiting for them to fuck up because that's what happens when things get too good. isn't that the...
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YAY! I need to start on a search for graduate skool
i really just don't belong in the midwest. but then again, i don't know where i do belong, so might as well just suck it up eh?
Hello, I also know that I don't belong in the midwest, so I am therefore moving to the west next year.
The Portland area is awesome. The mountains, forests, ocean and the people all sold me on moving out there.
woooo michigan. i'm going to go raise my flag up the different michigan poles and see if i salute any.

i'm leaving germany in a few days. i'll probably not post for way too long. hope everyone is having fun.

does anyone have an opinon about detroit? or detroit vs chicago?
I would go with Chicago. I'm saying that cause my sister lives 30 min away. Thats just me
hello all from amsterdam. i'm sitting in a little smart shop (i.e shrooms and weed is sold here if you didn't know) the only places with internet are either smart shops or coffee shops, not cafe's mind you which sell coffee, and coffee shops which sell weed.

amsterdam doesn't make a lot of sense in general as for trying to get places from a map,...
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I'm jealous of you always going somewhere. Maybe someday I will get the fuck out of Oklahoma. frown
if you have a mac with tiger on it, don't try to put norton antivirus on it, because i did... i have lost my entire harddrive. i have to send it back to the states to have a new harddrive put on. i'm in tears seriously, and i'm jonesing for a cigarrette. i'm on my family's computer so

1. ick to PC and
2. ick...
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" hopefully i can find another person with a mac so i can save part of my harddrive" sorry I know its kinda mean but I laughed when I read this..I'm a huge anti-mac person and I just though it was funny uou have to search the depts to find someone else that onces one...but I really am sorry to here your computer fryed I've had that happen quite a few times...and as for you going into tears over it...been there too
I miss Germany. Are you still over there? Still going to UMUC? I am working on getting my credits to transfer. I wish I had taken more advantage of the opportunity to be there. Now I have to live vicariously. Don't disappoint me. smile