i'm in an 80s mood. i've been feeding myself with real genius, designing women, edward sissorhands (which i know is 90s but shut the hell up) willow, etc. good times. just need to throw in some cure, and we'll call it a party.

i'm still a little icky pangish. i actually skipped my psych class which oh well, i couldn't care. i just want to...
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I'm so jelous I used to do that back in the day but I never have time anymore...I love real genius and the cure...the others are good to but I'm cheesy and usuly watch something a little more 80's teen like breakfast club of fast times
Ah good ol edward scissorhands.
the new harry potter book hurt my heart...
ok so I enjoy harry potter but I don't read...so when the book came out I was stuck at the midnight release for something I didn't really care about...I may not look like it but I am a super geek and it was kina weird to be around an interly different bread of geek
me too!
why does wine taste better with cigarrettes?

especially when you're lonely and had a shit day...
well my speech sucked hardcore hamster balls, and on top of that i think i severly wigged my teacher, which means a lower grade, i mean who would have guessed that the Manson murders would be a touchy subject. besides the fact that i went overtime, which means 10% off my grade. fuck.

i have to start working on my persuasive speech next. i'm thinking...
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I would totaly sit through those speechs....screw your teacher for not being enjoying such a topic
Your teacher should give you a little personal credit for picking a topic like that. Besides, those speeches are usually more interesting than the usual crap that people come up with.
do you ever get the urge to just walk out an open window? i'm sitting here writing a speech for tomorrow and the window is open, i'm in a perfectly content mood and i just saw myself walking out of the window, not to die, just to feel something extreme... or something like that. i'm not too sure. i think in a parallel universe to...
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i was just asked if i had come out. wow. it's been awhile since i've been accused of being a lesbian. i mean sure i'm wide and open about being bi and liking girls since well it's been 6 years or so that i've been telling people, but it's been there from before, but christ in a bucket, i still do like boys... they happen...
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It's been 10yrs since I was in high school, and my sexuality is still intriguing to the people I went to school with. I heard from a friend of my brother that there are people that still ask him if I'm really "that way". Hahahaha.
its ok I've been a lesbian my whole life but when your a guy thats not anything specail
i'm sad that reagan, the beautiful suicidegirl doesn't update anymore. i still go and check because she always had amusing entries... but still... sadness. she's been one of my favourite SGs since i first became a member over a year ago. hm. i didn't realize it was that long ago... anyhoo... i hope she's alright and decides to post again.
nothing of any importance to say...so here it is in list format:

1. sour apple altoids... tasty.
2. fuck my stupid speech class. bullshit; conservative bullshit. i hate people, fucking conservative christians. icky fucking pang. i have to stay up late and write my outline....
3. i am a retard with lliquid eyeliner... nearly blinded myself. balls.
4. i have to work in the morning,...
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i'm trying to strech my ears just a bit so i can get some pretty new earrings and i was trying to determine how much i've stretched them so far. i can fit two 14 gauges in my ears, and a big safety pin through. i'm thinking a 12 or so. i'm not sure. i don't have any tapers or the size earring i want,...
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