so, there are only 4 more papers to write...huge Deutsch final and there's signing up for next term's classes, sigh.
my trip to london was canceled. so if anyone wants to buy two HIM tickets for Portsmouth Guild the 16th of this month, lemme know. i don't mind not seeing HIM i've seen them twice, and i've grown a bit weary of them anyway... the states ruined them; like most decent bands. i really wanted to go up there and do all the lame touristy things i've never done before. i've been there a few times, and never have i actually gone around and see the changing of the guard, or the tower of london, you know the typical things.
i started saving for a trip to france soon... saving money is evil. i will always be one of those people that llive pay check to pay check; and that is just fine by me.
my trip to london was canceled. so if anyone wants to buy two HIM tickets for Portsmouth Guild the 16th of this month, lemme know. i don't mind not seeing HIM i've seen them twice, and i've grown a bit weary of them anyway... the states ruined them; like most decent bands. i really wanted to go up there and do all the lame touristy things i've never done before. i've been there a few times, and never have i actually gone around and see the changing of the guard, or the tower of london, you know the typical things.

i started saving for a trip to france soon... saving money is evil. i will always be one of those people that llive pay check to pay check; and that is just fine by me.

how have you been ? what is new ? what are you taking / studying ?