i've been dizzy for four days now, and it's not water intake or food... it's probably allergies but i'm freaking tired of it.it's hard to concentrate when the entire room is spinning, well spinning more than it's suppsoed to be on a normal rotation of the earth kind of spinning.. ok see look i'm crazy. punkt!
the weather is beautiful though. i love when it starts to feel like october... all the sun worshipers quiver and with a toss of my head and a bounce in my step i am all the happier that they're miserable. you know it's that autum time of year, it's one of those things you can smell. the air just smells lilke fall. mmm.
there are loads of halloween decorations for sale already... i'm so excited, even though i have no cause to be... aww woooooohooo halloween. it's better than xmas or birthdays if you ask me. nods to self.
the weather is beautiful though. i love when it starts to feel like october... all the sun worshipers quiver and with a toss of my head and a bounce in my step i am all the happier that they're miserable. you know it's that autum time of year, it's one of those things you can smell. the air just smells lilke fall. mmm.
there are loads of halloween decorations for sale already... i'm so excited, even though i have no cause to be... aww woooooohooo halloween. it's better than xmas or birthdays if you ask me. nods to self.

I love the fall. Gets cold and you get to wear hoodies.