ich bin hier! ich bin in Deutschland!
aside from the disgust and disdain thrown at me the minute i walked off the plane because of my lip ring, things went alright. i'm happy to be home... a little nervous. but happy.
this whole living with my family again is going to be very strange. i get to keep my piercing till this wochenende but then i have to take it out. i'll probably sleep with it in and take it out for the day when my mum's around, hopefully it'll keep it open a bit longer, and it won't be too infected.
the plane flight was... long. very long, and it seemed especially long because my entire cabin was filled to the brim with older, stinky french people. i caught about one hour of sleep and the entire time i dreamt of david (
) which must be a good sign. sigh. if only. i will still hold out hope. who knows if that's smart or not, but yea.
i am dying for my computer to be hooked back up to the internet i bloody hate my mum's computer it's a slow old crappy pc.
note: i went to buy a phone card to put time on my handy (cell phone) and i ordered it all in german... and it made me so unbelievably happy. you want to know how much of a loser i am, i started to well up in tears when we were flying over germany because we were flying low enough that i could see the countryside... and it gave me this warm tingly feeling inside... and i'm dumb.
to emma: where can i send you something? i don't think it will get to you before the middle of june.
aside from the disgust and disdain thrown at me the minute i walked off the plane because of my lip ring, things went alright. i'm happy to be home... a little nervous. but happy.
this whole living with my family again is going to be very strange. i get to keep my piercing till this wochenende but then i have to take it out. i'll probably sleep with it in and take it out for the day when my mum's around, hopefully it'll keep it open a bit longer, and it won't be too infected.
the plane flight was... long. very long, and it seemed especially long because my entire cabin was filled to the brim with older, stinky french people. i caught about one hour of sleep and the entire time i dreamt of david (

i am dying for my computer to be hooked back up to the internet i bloody hate my mum's computer it's a slow old crappy pc.
note: i went to buy a phone card to put time on my handy (cell phone) and i ordered it all in german... and it made me so unbelievably happy. you want to know how much of a loser i am, i started to well up in tears when we were flying over germany because we were flying low enough that i could see the countryside... and it gave me this warm tingly feeling inside... and i'm dumb.

to emma: where can i send you something? i don't think it will get to you before the middle of june.

(580)4712096 it's always with me if you want to talk
i wish I was there!!!!!!!!!!
I hope your summer is going well...... are you working at all or taking any classes??