10 things I don't believe in... random order
I don't believe in:
1. wearing pants after 6pm, pjs are much more suitable, and if you're going out later, to right before the event put on pants again.
I don't believe in:
2. being overly political. living in san francisco where everyone thinks they're so different, and sooo political, when they're all just really left wing has led me to feel it's all horseshit and i couldn't care.
I don't believe in:
3. christians. PERIOD! *scary lot of people*
I don't believe in:
4. gender/sexual rules/roles. you love who you love, it is just how it is. also; if you're a guy and you want to keep house spiffy beans for you, if you're a woman and you want to go fight in the army beans for you too. if you're a woman and want to be the tough dominatrix go for it. find a boy or girl, or both even that like to play that way and go for it, don't ever be submissive if you aren't inside, if you are, then that's your own progative.
I don't believe in:
5. waiting to be married before you have sex. i think you need to test drive a car before you buy it, same with a partner. it is a connection on an entire different level, and this closeness that has to be there in order to truly be in love with that person...
I don't believe in:
6. sending aid to foregin countries. when their bellies are full they reproduce, and they'll make more babies and mouths to feed while we're taking food away from our own babes, survival of the fitest. if they're meant to die then ok. we're over populated anyways.
I don't believe in:
7. sugar coating anything. it's pointless and is taking too much time away from the issue at hand. if i'm a bitch, say it to my face, don't pretend you like me and talk shit behind my back.
I don't believe in:
8. in stupid people. they should be made to wear signs so i don't have to waste time asking them when obviously they have no idea what the fuck their doing. stop breeding!
I don't believe in:
9. letting anyone off the hook for crimes nor do i believe in nice living conditions in jails. if a person rapes/molests or abuses in any form they should not get probation w/o jail time, they should be ripped apart by every limb. they should not have the ability to have any rights. if they're there they have to work, or for fucks sake read a book, i don't want you to be allowed to have a tv in your room, i don't even have a tv in my room... it's unneeded.
I don't believe in:
10. friendships with old flames: especially if you've seen eachother naked. maybe it's just me, but there is no way to look at that person the same way if you've seen parts of them.... well you know.... those parts, and there has to be some reason that it ended, mine always end badly anyways. besides there can't be a purely friendly relationship, one of you is bound to still have feelings for the other... thus creating some conflict.
what don't you believe in?
I don't believe in:
1. wearing pants after 6pm, pjs are much more suitable, and if you're going out later, to right before the event put on pants again.
I don't believe in:
2. being overly political. living in san francisco where everyone thinks they're so different, and sooo political, when they're all just really left wing has led me to feel it's all horseshit and i couldn't care.
I don't believe in:
3. christians. PERIOD! *scary lot of people*
I don't believe in:
4. gender/sexual rules/roles. you love who you love, it is just how it is. also; if you're a guy and you want to keep house spiffy beans for you, if you're a woman and you want to go fight in the army beans for you too. if you're a woman and want to be the tough dominatrix go for it. find a boy or girl, or both even that like to play that way and go for it, don't ever be submissive if you aren't inside, if you are, then that's your own progative.
I don't believe in:
5. waiting to be married before you have sex. i think you need to test drive a car before you buy it, same with a partner. it is a connection on an entire different level, and this closeness that has to be there in order to truly be in love with that person...
I don't believe in:
6. sending aid to foregin countries. when their bellies are full they reproduce, and they'll make more babies and mouths to feed while we're taking food away from our own babes, survival of the fitest. if they're meant to die then ok. we're over populated anyways.
I don't believe in:
7. sugar coating anything. it's pointless and is taking too much time away from the issue at hand. if i'm a bitch, say it to my face, don't pretend you like me and talk shit behind my back.
I don't believe in:
8. in stupid people. they should be made to wear signs so i don't have to waste time asking them when obviously they have no idea what the fuck their doing. stop breeding!
I don't believe in:
9. letting anyone off the hook for crimes nor do i believe in nice living conditions in jails. if a person rapes/molests or abuses in any form they should not get probation w/o jail time, they should be ripped apart by every limb. they should not have the ability to have any rights. if they're there they have to work, or for fucks sake read a book, i don't want you to be allowed to have a tv in your room, i don't even have a tv in my room... it's unneeded.
I don't believe in:
10. friendships with old flames: especially if you've seen eachother naked. maybe it's just me, but there is no way to look at that person the same way if you've seen parts of them.... well you know.... those parts, and there has to be some reason that it ended, mine always end badly anyways. besides there can't be a purely friendly relationship, one of you is bound to still have feelings for the other... thus creating some conflict.
what don't you believe in?

I don't believe in
1. Going milkless before bedtime [it's become an addictive habit]
I don't believe in
2. not sleeping with the lights on [unless i feel safe and am with someone]
I don't believe in
3. farting in front of your significant other [we've decided that at the four year mark it's okay to fart but not before that]
I don't believe in
4. hardcore "scene" crap [it's just dumb i tell you]
all i can think of right now