ok, confession time: (warning really borning and cheesy not juicy as most people's real confessions tend to be)
as strange as it may be i have started reading the Harry Potter books. i have been a strong adversary of them for a while, refusing to read them or moreover watch the movies, but sinking to an all time low of starvation for a decent novel, i decided that the series would be precisly what i needed to
1. avoid my school work,
2. have enough pages to keep me semi-interested.
little did i know that i would turn out to like them. i finished the first one in 2 days and the second in 3 i believe and i'm half way through the third. i have only so much of an opportunity to read however, and it is mostly reserved for the few hours that my roommate is away at class. otherwise she has the tv blasting something, which is not a lovely environment to be reading in. so other than those sparse hours i have my dining time when i sit alone at the window. it has served me well enough since it hasn't been a week and i'm on the third book. i must admit that i do have a fancy of them and perhaps will infact watch the other movies. i know i will be done with this book, when the third movie comes out so who knows maybe i'll go see that one as well.
chub has been making much fun of me, and so i decided to set the record straight.
as strange as it may be i have started reading the Harry Potter books. i have been a strong adversary of them for a while, refusing to read them or moreover watch the movies, but sinking to an all time low of starvation for a decent novel, i decided that the series would be precisly what i needed to
1. avoid my school work,
2. have enough pages to keep me semi-interested.
little did i know that i would turn out to like them. i finished the first one in 2 days and the second in 3 i believe and i'm half way through the third. i have only so much of an opportunity to read however, and it is mostly reserved for the few hours that my roommate is away at class. otherwise she has the tv blasting something, which is not a lovely environment to be reading in. so other than those sparse hours i have my dining time when i sit alone at the window. it has served me well enough since it hasn't been a week and i'm on the third book. i must admit that i do have a fancy of them and perhaps will infact watch the other movies. i know i will be done with this book, when the third movie comes out so who knows maybe i'll go see that one as well.
chub has been making much fun of me, and so i decided to set the record straight.

oh my gosh i watched the movie today
I have yet to read the books though. I hate when people always have the television on. That's one of the things I cherish about my dorm room.....no t.v. If I REALLY want to watch something I'll either download it or rent it.