venom seethes inside my mouth at the sight of you. how can these eyes turn dark, and froth over with pure hatred, where there was once friendship. it seems impossible that your presence is what makes me leave a room, or shift in my chair. i want to tear all of your pictures from my wall and destroy them, but still there they hang, and it is i that has become the enemy again.... to myself
i am the one that lurks in the background, abandoned by the friends that once had me surrounded....
the vicious cycle of friendship and enemy are becoming tiring, it's time to stop playing victim, but then again, what better excuse for darkness than the betrayal of those that were held near?
i am the one that lurks in the background, abandoned by the friends that once had me surrounded....
the vicious cycle of friendship and enemy are becoming tiring, it's time to stop playing victim, but then again, what better excuse for darkness than the betrayal of those that were held near?

oh geez...your friend has a whip...that's hot.
i love the halloween pictures of you.....especially the first one with you and your look sexy!