HIM concert is on SUNDAY@!!!!
i cannot possibly make that all beautiful and wordy, that is all that is needed, Sonntag! sonntag!!!
this is the stupid girl that has
1.over 1100 pictures of HIM on her computer,
2. all of the cds, lots of the underground things from europe, (since i'm from there)
3.has her mum tape things off the tv when i'm not in germany that have HIM interviews or videos ect.
4. seen HIM once at M'era Luna, drove 9 hours there, waited in the drying mudd in 90 degree heat for 8 more hours through wretched bands, with a drunk woman basicallly lying ontop of me.
5. Had the car packed to see them in Mannheim at the campus invasion, aber there was an incident that came up. so spiffy luck on that one...
6. Had tickets to the Ozzy/HIM show in January back in Germany, but then Ozzy got in that accident and the show was canceled.another great luck
7. sent in over 200 postcards to try to win a contest to see HIM in Southern California, (while living in SF) more happy luck
8. has two HIM rings,
a heartagram belt,
a heartagram wallet
15 shirts,
heartagram necklace
soon to be tattoo
pocket knife with the heartagram
zippo lighter " " "
two big posters
dozen HIM pins
HIM decorated pants
" " shoes
if it would ever get here, skateboard deck with heartagram on it, not the BAM version either.
9. HIM on my cell phone answering machine
10. belongs dozens of online clubs
11. going to go see them in Finland this summer... seeing them in their home country oh fucking yea!
12. my AIM has Ville greetings when i sign on, farewell when i get off, and then some clips of songs for when people sign on
13. AND FUCKING TICKETS FOR SUNDAY TO SEE THEM IN SAN FRANCISCO!!!@ nothing will ruin going this time either! it's in a timy little club of 600 people and you're right there against this four foot tall stage.... god...
i could go on, but i see no point. but yes.... life is shitty in land of responsibility but in the land of HIM life is eggplant wonderful
i cannot possibly make that all beautiful and wordy, that is all that is needed, Sonntag! sonntag!!!
this is the stupid girl that has
1.over 1100 pictures of HIM on her computer,
2. all of the cds, lots of the underground things from europe, (since i'm from there)
3.has her mum tape things off the tv when i'm not in germany that have HIM interviews or videos ect.
4. seen HIM once at M'era Luna, drove 9 hours there, waited in the drying mudd in 90 degree heat for 8 more hours through wretched bands, with a drunk woman basicallly lying ontop of me.
5. Had the car packed to see them in Mannheim at the campus invasion, aber there was an incident that came up. so spiffy luck on that one...
6. Had tickets to the Ozzy/HIM show in January back in Germany, but then Ozzy got in that accident and the show was canceled.another great luck
7. sent in over 200 postcards to try to win a contest to see HIM in Southern California, (while living in SF) more happy luck
8. has two HIM rings,
a heartagram belt,
a heartagram wallet
15 shirts,
heartagram necklace
soon to be tattoo
pocket knife with the heartagram
zippo lighter " " "
two big posters
dozen HIM pins
HIM decorated pants
" " shoes
if it would ever get here, skateboard deck with heartagram on it, not the BAM version either.
9. HIM on my cell phone answering machine
10. belongs dozens of online clubs
11. going to go see them in Finland this summer... seeing them in their home country oh fucking yea!
12. my AIM has Ville greetings when i sign on, farewell when i get off, and then some clips of songs for when people sign on
13. AND FUCKING TICKETS FOR SUNDAY TO SEE THEM IN SAN FRANCISCO!!!@ nothing will ruin going this time either! it's in a timy little club of 600 people and you're right there against this four foot tall stage.... god...
i could go on, but i see no point. but yes.... life is shitty in land of responsibility but in the land of HIM life is eggplant wonderful

happy for ya and wowza @ all the HIM stuff.